Ending With Nosaka

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I went to the airport with Nishikage to say goodbye to Nosaka since he was going to do his surgery outside of Japan.

We were trying to find where Nosaka wanted us to meet, but... Me and Nishikage we're a bit uh... Lost.

"Gimme the map." I said to Nishikage.

"Here." Nishikage gave me the map and i tried to figure where to head to.

"Hm, there." I point toward a direction and actually saw a someone with red pinkish hair from afar.

"That's Nosaka!" Said Nishikage.

"Looks like I'm not bad at reading a map!" I said proud of myself.

After finally finding Nosaka, We noticed he was eating alot of food, poor Nishikage had to help him finish it, we talked a bit until it was almost time for Nosaka to head to his flight.

"The flight leaving to America will be leaving in 20 minutes!"

"Nishikage, can you let us speak for a moment?" Smiled Nosaka.

"Sure." Replied Nishikage and walked far away.

"You're a good person [F/N], it's thanks to you for showing me the right way." Said Nosaka to me.

"I couldn't stay silent while seeing you suffering Nosaka, so don't thank me, it's natural to help someone." I said.

"That's not it." Said Nosaka.

"Huh ?"

"You've.. Made me feel something I've never felt before." Continued Nosaka.

Nosaka takes out something, it was a bracelet. "Have this, make sure to make into the FFI. I wanna see you play again on the field." Nosaka put the bracelet on my wrist.

"Don't worry, I will!" I smiled.

Then Nosaka approaches me and kisses me on my forehead, wich makes my head boils.

"I love you." Said Nosaka.

"... I love you too." I said.

"See ya then." Nosaka waves and walks toward his flight.

I watched by the window the flight leaving, I couldn't wait to see Nosaka again.

But that's for another time when we'll meet each other on the field.

|author note|

Sorry for this short chapter-

I ran out of ideas today-

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