Eisei Gakuen

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After finishing changing my pijama into my school uniform I saw Norika reading a soccer magazine, I approach her.

"What are you looking at?" I asked.

"The player's of Eisei!" She replied.

I looked at the magazine and saw the ace striker of Eisei, Kiyama Tatsuya who's also the captain of the team, then their forward, Kira Hiroto.

"Isn't he the one that had scored the most points in the preliminaries?" I asked pointing at Hiroto.

"I heard that too, but I've never watched any of their match honestly.." Replied Norika.

"I see..He's gonna be problematic." I said.

"How come?" Norika look at me.

"I don't know, just seeing him give me bad vibes." I responded.

"I mean, most of forward have a strong personality I guess." Smiled Norika. "A bit like you." She continued.

I smiled. "I'll take that as a compliment." I chuckled.

|Resume of the meeting|

Basically we learned that Hiroto was indeed someone with a strong personality, he's almost like Haizaki and his solo play.. Rumors were also said that he skips school and hangout with delinquents.

Seems like this team weaknesses gotta be their teamwork then.

As for practice we decided to help Captain and Goujin to create them a combination hissatsu since they didn't had any yet.

The first training was to tie their foot to eachother and they needed to both have the same speed to not fall.

The second is captain trying to feed Goujin hot ramen, but burns Goujin cheeks instead...

Then... Uh.

Goujin and Captain drinking a bottle of water with two straw. (gosh that kinda sound like a date-)

"[F/N]! It's your turn!" Shouted Norika at you to shoot.

"Oh sorry !" I replied and shoot toward the goal but Norika blocked it.

"[F/N]! I have something to ask you!" Called the coach.

"Coming!" I walk up to the coach. "What is it?" I asked.

"Can you please go buy this? You're the only one who knows the town well." Smiles the coach and gave you a small paper.

You read the paper discovering that he wanted you to buy.. Shampoo...? I look at the coach confused. "Is this really necessary...?"

"Of course! Now shoo! before the sun sets!" Respond the coach.

I nod and went to the changing room.

|Nobody's pov|

The coach then calls Hiura and Mansaku.

"Yes, coach?" Said Hiura.

"Seems like [F/N] is troubled by something, is it okay if you two keep her company?" Asked the coach.

"It's rare for her to be like this, okay. We'll go find her." Said Mansaku.

"I agree, if there's something wrong, we should help each other, plus [F/N] is like a trump card to our team." Added Hiura.

"What a real gentleman's! She's in the changing room you can also change while waiting for her." Smiled the coach.

Hiura and Mansaku nod and walked toward the changing rooms for boy's.

|Back to your pov|

I finished changing and saw Hiura and Mansaku also not in their uniform, aren't they suppose to be practicing?

I walked toward them and they both notice me, Hiura wave at me with a smile, I waved back.

"What are you two doing here?" I approach them.

"The coach told us you weren't feeling well, so we wanted to make sure you were okay." Said Hiura.

"Not feeling well?" I tilt my head.

"Are you perhaps scared of Eisei Gakuen?" Ask Mansaku.

"No way! I'm excited to fight against them." I answered.

Hiura and Mansaku look at each other, you started to laugh. "Looks like the coach tricked you two into coming to buy his shampoo." I said.

"W-what?!" They both yell.

"It's weird though, why would he want us three to buy one shampoo? That doesn't make sense at all." I stopped laughing.

"What type of shampoo it is though?" Asked Hiura.

"Uh.. Hair shampoo from Inazuma shop." I said reading the paper.

"It's not so far from here, let's find it and speak to the coach." Said Mansaku.

"Let's go then." Said Hiura.

"By the way, thanks for caring about me." I smiled following Hiura and Mansaku.

"We're friend's, we should support each other that's normal." said Hiura.

"Hiura is right, it would be sad if our friend is feeling down." Continued Mansaku.

"I like you two." I said happily.

|Nobody's pov|

Mansaku ans Hiura were secretly blushing without [F/N] noticing.

After some minutes they arrive at the Inazuma Shop and took a look on the shampoo section, the three notices a paper on a hair shampoo with written something important.

This is the key to victory against Eisei Gakuen.

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