God Strik-

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The day of the match Raimon against Eisei has arrived, but on the bench I've noticed that Kira Hiroto wasn't present to the match, seems like he also skips matches.

Raimon starts the kick-off, we dodges their defenders and Kozoumaru gets the ball, he uses Fire tornado but the opponent goalie blocked it.

Eisei tries to score against us but Norika also blocks their shoot, Norika throw the ball towards me, I catches the ball and shoot toward the goal, the goalkeeper tries to block it but Asuto comes out of nowhere and change the direction of the ball and the ball ends up in the goal.



But Eisei ace striker Tatsuya quickly score their first goal against us, Tatsuya isn't Eisei's ace striker for nothing, he has an amazing strength.


The match continues as Hiura score the second goal with our teamwork.


But Eisei quickly catches us with another goal.


Goujin and Captain wanted to try out their new Hissatsu that they haven't mastered yet, but they wanted to use it.

Both of them dance on the field, but suddenly Hiyori also joins them on the dance floor, Goujin role gets stolen by Hiyori, Captain and Hiyori dances like in waltz, Captain throw Hiyori in the air then Hiyori shoot the ball toward the goal.

Tatsuya tries to block it with his feets but fails to, the goalie also couldn't stop it.



But after this shoot, the commentator tells that Tatsuya seemed to be injured on the leg, I look at the Eisei team and yeah.

Tatsuya seemed to be in pain, but he refused to be benched due to Kira Hiroto not being here to support the team and score the goals.

The match continues as Tatsuya tries his hardest to score but with his injured foot it wasn't easy, but their coach decides to put him temporarily on the bench, but what was weird is that their team stayed as 10 players even though they had two other players on the bench.

The match continued as Asuto passing the ball to Goujin giving a chance to goal and he succeeded!


Goujin was glad to finally score his first goal in the championship.

The match continues as an accident happens, Iwato accidently pushed an opponent with red hair on the floor.

The player to substitute him was.. Kira Hiroto.. When did he got there?!

The match continues as Hiroto passes the defenders, midfielders and arrive on front of the goal. "The explosion!" Hiroto uses his Hissatsu and shoots toward the goal.



In a short amount of time Hiroto scored the third goal for his team, he's indeed a scary forward.

Raimon starts the kick-off but Eisei steals the ball from Asuto and passes it to Hiroto, Hiroto uses "Zigzag strike" and dodge all of the midfielders and defenders again.

Iwato tries to stop him from dribbling further with his hissatsu "the wall." But Hiroto shoots the ball in the sky and climbs the wall easily then shoot toward the goal scoring their fourth goal.


Your teammates looked at Kira Hiroto impressed by his inhuman strength and skills in soccer.

"That's right, I'm God Strik--"


Eisei switch their players.

The match continues, Hiroto kept on trying to score but if it continues Norika is going to get tired way too fast, I ran toward the goal and blocked the shoot of Hiroto with my leg.

"Thank you [F/N]!" Norika grabs the ball.

I did a thumbs-up, then I looked at Hiroto, we both glared at each other, but he smirked and walked away.

Seems like he sees you as a rival from now on, but gosh.. Was the smirk necessary?

But then Eisei puts back Tatsuya on the field, he seemed to be okay for now, but let's see what can Hiroto and Tatsuya do together.

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