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(HELLO MAKE SURE TO READ MY NEW POST TO SEE WHY I POST THIS SO LATE! but thank you for your patience!)

|Night time/dining room |
Yone, the one who take care of us in this logement gave Asuto a letter, Norika and Okuiri thought that Yone was gonna confess her love to Asuto.

Wich is impossible cuz that's illegal and second why...?

"[F/N]! I also have a letter for you!" Shouted Yone to call you.

"Coming!" You stand up from your chair and went up to Yone, she gave you a letter and a package(small box) with it.

"Thank you Yone!" You smiled.

"No problem!" She smiled back.

You then went to your room to read this.

It was a letter from your father.

Dear daughter.

I heard from your mom that you've left the island to Tokyo, I'm proud of you.

I'm very sad that I couldn't say goodbye before you leave because of my work, but I wanted to tell you that I fully support you.

The letter must have came with a package too, its a souvenir from work, take it with you, and if you somehow find someone you like... Might aswell introduce it to us once you get back!

See you.

-From dad.

You smiled at the later then went to the open the package but then you remembered you suck at this, so you decided to take scissors.

You stabbed the package trying to open it and it worked!

(no package were armed)

You put away the scissors and look inside the box, you see a cool necklace that fit your vibes!

You started to wear it everyday except for practice since it could dangerous when you play with an accessory.

And the coach has decided to target Mansaku for his "special" training.

You gulped hoping that it won't be your turn so soon, because jeez... His training are hard as iron and scary as a horror game.

|meanwhile/Seishou Gakuen field/     |nobody pov|
Haizaki was shooting with all his strength in the ball in the field to prepare himself to fight Raimon. No.

[F/N] [L/N], he wanted to fight her and show her that she should not be messing with Outei Tsukinomiya, he didn't wanted her to also end up like how Akane did.

The only way to stop her, was to beat the Raimon team so they can't pass to the main championship and meet Outei Tsukinomiya.

"Haizaki, does your upcoming match against Raimon make you feel that pressured?" Asked Kidou.

"No. It's not Raimon I want to fight. It's that newbie [F/N] [L/N]... Whenever I see her... It annoys me! She always care when or how I play soccer." Answered Haizaki.

"She appears radiant to you, doesn't she?" smiled Kidou.

"What?" Haizaki look at Kidou.

"The light that [F/N] [L/N] gives off is blinding to your eyes, I thought that if there was someone out there could change you, it would be her." Continued Kidou.

"That newbie?"

"The light that she gives off is as strong as the sun, one could call her the soccer girl who's chosen by the sun." Said Kidou and looked at the sky from the stadium they were in.

"Chosen by the sun? Hah! You're putting that newbie on a pedestal." Said Haizaki who wasn't agreeing.

"I know someone else who is just like her. That person changed who I was and saved me." Smiled Kidou, then he look at Haizaki.

"Haizaki, I can tell that you're trying to change as well. You've never practiced for a match before now." Kidou then look at the goal ground where there's plenty of soccer ball on the ground.

"Don't talk like you know me." Said Haizkak and looked away.

|back to your pov/dorm|

You were about to sleep until you sneeze.

"Woah.. Are you okay [F/N]?" Norika look at you.

"Yeah.. My nose suddenly tickled me a bit.." You replied.

"Phew.. I hope you didn't catched a cold." Said Norika.

"I hope too.. I don't wanna miss tomorrow's practice." You sigh.

"Wake me up if you need anything, good night!" Smiled Norika.

"I will." You smiled and put your blankets on you and closed your eye.

"You too." You replied and went to sleep.

|two days later/match|

Raimon vs Seishou Gakuen.

"Hey, I'm gonna end your soccer now and you will never bring your feet ever again here." Smirk Haizaki.

"Yeah, have a nice match too!" You smiled and went to your position.

"HEY! are you even listening?!" Yelled Haizaki.

You ignored him and went to your position as midfielder.

Seishou Gakuen start the kick-off.

"Kidou pass me the ball!" Shouted Haizaki.

Kidou pass the ball to Haizaki, then Haizaki shoot directly toward the-



Your eyes widen and look at goal and saw the ball in, Haizaki shoot was so strong that it almost hit you but it didn't, the ball went into the goal after just some seconds into the match.

That shoot almost reminded you of Kozoumaru using Fire Tornado almost hitting Haizaki last time.. Was that a payback..?

"See that [F/N]? This is our devastating difference in power." Smirk Haizaki.

Asuto tap your shoulder, you look at him. "Don't worry." He said to you.

You smile and nod. "Don't worry guy's I'm fine!" You shouted.

Let's start the real match now.

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