Seishou Gakuen

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"[F/N]-chan! Can you buy some sport towel for us?" Asked the coach.

"Sport towel ?" You walk up to him.

"Here's a map that'll help you!" He said with a smile and gave you a small paper with... Some very bad drawn building with a red X.

"How am I suppose to-" You tried to ask him but the coach already went focusing himself on his game.

You sigh and couldn't decline that.

You changed to your normal clothes and walked outside and went to the nearest city next to the logement, you were struggling reading this VERY BAD map.

You sigh but suddenly you arrive on front of an arcade game and saw... Haizaki Ryouhei.

He was trying to catch a plushie on one of those claw machines, you first thought you shouldn't be bother him but you notice he was trying to catch a Kumazou plushie.

Maybe he's trying to catch that for someone! You walk in nervously.

"Excuse me!" You walk up to Haizaki.

Haizaki look at you with his menacing eyes, you gulp.

"You are Haizaki from Seishou Academy right?" You smile.

"You are... Uh..." Haizaki tries to remember your name.

"[F/N] [L/N], from Raimon." You said.

"Oh yeah.. That school of newbies." He said.

"We ain't newbies.." you mumbled a bit angry. "Anyway! Do you might know someone who could possibly own this?" You grab the keychain out of your pocket.

Haizaki take a glance at the keychain and his eyes widen for a second but he shake his head.

"No?-" You tilt your head confused.

"Yes! I mean..." Haizaki look away.

"Oh, so you do! I noticed you tried to get that kumazou!" You smiled.

"Yeah.." he replied.

"Then here." You give him the keychain.

Haizaki take the keychain and concentrate back on the claw machine.

"By the way, don't you have a match tomorrow?" You asked.

"I don't play tomorrow." He answered and successfully got the plushie from the claw machine.

"Huh? But aren't you a starter and not a substitute?" You asked again.

"I am the one choosing whether I play or not." Respond Haizaki and pressed the buttons to grab another plushie, he move the claw toward another Kumazou.

"You can do that?!" You asked in shocked.

"Once you are on my level, yeah." He said, the claw grab the same plushie successfully and falls on the floor, Haizaki grab it and hand it over to you.

"Huh..?" You look at him.

"Take that and tell no one its from me, I give it because you got my keychain back, bye." He said then walk out of the arcade game.

You look at the plushie.

"Wait... How am I suppose to lie?-" You thought.

Then you went to buy the sport towel and told all your teammates that you won the plushie in a lottery(the Japanese lottery).


"Eh?! Seriously?" Shouted someone down stairs.

You wondered why they were shouting so you went downstairs to the dinning room, you overheard that Haizaki wanted to have a revenge by using soccer for a girl named Akane, against something called the balance of Ares?

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