Next Match

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|Meeting room|

Our next match is against the brilliant team from Hokkaido, Hakuren Junior High, this school is very well known for their amazing captain and their ace striker, and this year Someoka an old player for Raimon has joined them.

The coach was showing us their card to show their identity and faces.

"The prince of the snowfield, their team game maker, Fubuki Shirou." Said our coach and showed on the screen the identity card of Fubuki Shirou, now that I see his face...

I remember now! I saw him on the ceremony where all the teams were gathered to the main championship, I saw another guy looking like him, it's probably his younger brother!

"And his Younger brother who's the ace striker, the bear killer, Fubuki Atsuya." Then our coach showed a guy with tanned skin with alot of muscles.

"HUH?!" Your teammates screamed in shock.

"He looks pretty tough..." Said Iwato.

"But for brothers, they don't really look alike.." Added Goujin.

The coach notices that it was the wrong picture and replace it with the real one, and you were right, that orange looking hair boy is indeed the younger brother of Shirou.

After this meeting we went to practice and studied, I wasn't really paying attention much to the lessons.. As always!

Ever since that last match Seishou Gakuen against Outei, Something was bothering me.. Well, mostly a lot of questions.

I stepped out of the school gate and stood there for a minute then... I walked toward the other direction of the logement, I was walking toward Seishou Gakuen.

I waited a bit until I finally see Haizaki coming out from the building, he seemed rather fine wich made me relaxed, since he really looked down that day..

"Haizaki!" I waved happily to him.

He notices me with his grumpy face as always, but let's ignore that, since he always makes that face.

"Why are you here? Have you come to laugh at me?" He gave me that suspicious look.

"Of course not! I'm just making sure you were fine, what's wrong with that?" I replied.

"What do you want to tell me then? You didn't came all the way here just to say 'hi',right?" He asked.

"Right.. So, are you still gonna continue playing soccer?" I asked.

"..." Haizaki stayed mute.

"Haizaki..." I looked at him, seems like he wasn't fine at all.

Haizaki then walks away from me.

"Haizaki!" I shouted but he didn't even bother to turn himself towards me.

Haizaki is probably having a hard time with deciding to quit soccer or continue.. But his team already lost, I don't know if he can wait another year to beat Outei.

If only there was a way to help him..

|Logements/dining room|

"I'm back." I said and took off my shoes at the entrance.

"Welcome back!" Smiled Yone to me.

"Hello Yone, how are you today?" I smiled.

"I'm fine, what about you? You seem.. Drained." Said Yone noticing I was feeling down about something.

"I'm fine don't worry, it's just school, you know.. The lessons are hard to keep up." I lied to Yone then walked toward the stairs to head to my dorm.

"You aren't going to eat with us [F/N]?" Asked Asuto.

"I'll eat later, I'm not really hungry right now." I answered and entered my room.

|Nobody's pov|

Everyone look at Norika.

"What ?" Norika was eating her food calmly.

They all do a sign to go to her room trying to see why is [F/N] feeling down.

Norika understands, she quickly eat up and went upstairs, she opened the door and saw [F/N] cleaning the desk of the room.

"Look, I'll go straight to the bottom of this, why are you sad?" Asked Norika and took a chair putting it next to [F/N] then sat down.

"Haizaki is a probably gonna quit soccer." Said [F/N].

"... Woah that was really straight forward." Said Norika surprised. "Anyway, so. You are scared to our old opponent quit soccer?" continued Norika.

[F/N] nod.

"But how come? I mean.. He never cared about us anyway, or unless..." Norika then do a smirk.

"Huh?" [F/N] looks at Norika innocently.

"I understood, I think. But don't worry! You'll still see Haizaki anyway, he's not that type of guy to give up, trust me. Now let's go eat before you end up starving!" Smiled Norika.

"You're right, he's not someone that gives up easily, let's go eat then!" [F/N] agreed since her stomach was kinda asking for food too, both of the girls went downstairs and started to eat.

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