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The match continues as Hakuren start the kick-off and passes the ball to Nae, because of her speed we couldn't stop her from going to the goal, she brings out an hissatsu and scored against us.


After this goal all the fans of Nae were cheering for her, I sigh, we needed to think about a strategy to score again.

Hakuren used a weird strategy, they all started to move in synchronization like they were all thinking about the same thing, they dodges each one of us with that.

The two brothers and princess pull out a new hissatsu "triple blizzard", Norika didn't even have the time to react that the ball already went in the goal.


Hanta tells us that he found how the Hakuren players were so coordinated, it was because of the people on the spectator seats, they were all showing where to go to the opponents, Hanta succeed to tell us what was their next move.

Your teammate steal the ball from them, Hiura passes the ball to Asuto. "Let's go [F/N]!" Said Asuto.

"Let's get this done!" I replied.

Asuto kicks the ball in the sky as I jump toward it, Asuto joins me. "Shining [H/N]!" We both shoot toward the goal.



Hanta steals the ball from the opponent and uses one of his Ninja skills to create an hissatsu called "Ninja Art: Toad Summons."

Hanta shoots toward the goal and score our fourth goal.


There was only 1 minute left, this time Hakuren uses the same tactic but without the signals, wich will be impossible for us to predict where they will go, Atsuya, Shirou and Nae rush to the goal and use once again Triple Blizzard.

"Norika! you can do it!" I shouted, so did your other teammates to Norika.

Norika jumps and appears an ocean around her. "Mermaid Veil!" she move like a mermaid and blocks the shoot. "Asuto!" Norika passes the ball to Asuto but Someoka intercepted the pass.

Someoka passes the ball to Shirou then passes it to Atsuya and uses his hissatsu trying to score until me and Kozoumaru goes on front of the goal.

"Ready Kozoumaru?" I smirk.

"As always." He responded.

Me and Kozoumaru charge toward the shoot and uses both of our leg to stop the shoot from moving then pushed it back forward toward the opponents goal. "Counter drive!"

"What?!" Atsuya looked at the ball in shocked.




The referee whistle the end of the match.

Everyone went to shake hands.

"It was a cool match." Smiled the Hakuren player and walked away.

I smiled then i saw another hand waiting to be shaked, I raised my head and saw Shirou Fubuki.

"You sure are impressive, [L/N]." He smiled at you.

"Thank you, you too!" I said and shake his hand.

"I think there's someone else who wants to shake hand's with you." He said and pointed at his brother Atsuya behind him.

"Are you sure? He doesn't seem to want to." I asked.

"You two are forwards, so might as well also shake hands, don't you think?" He replied.

"Sure." I replied and walked toward Atsuya, I held out my hand toward Atsuya.

Atsuya look at you and shake your hand. "I'm sorry for underestimating you." He said.

"You were..?" I stared at him a bit disappointed.

"Just kidding, you better win this championship." He smirk and walked away.

"What a..." You sigh. "Unique person." I ended my line.

|City/nobody pov|

Haizaki watched the screens from the city, his face was full of bruises, he almost looked like he came out from a fight.

The screen showed the MVP of the match and it was [F/N] [L/N].

"That newbie..." Mumbled Haizaki, then he look at himself on a shop window that reflects himself showing that he was smiling.

He notices it and his expression quickly went to a surprised one, he hasn't smiled like this ever since the accident of Akane.

Haizaki then remembered Kidou's words, he get frustrated and refused to believe that [F/N] could be the one to change him into loving soccer.

He continues his way and tries to forgot about what just happened.

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