Special Training

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You deadly stare at your Eleven band and turned off the alarm and woke up, you saw Norika already awake texting her mom.

"Morning.." You stretch.

"Morning [F/N]! I'll go downstairs!" smiled Norika and left the room.

You sigh and stare at the walls for some seconds before you come back to reality and change your clothes to your regular ones and walked down stairs for breakfast.

"Thanks for the meal!" Everyone said and started to eat their breakfast.

You took a bite and... It's... DELICIOUS !

"Seems like [F/N] liked the food!" Said Hiura.

"Of course! It's so delicious how can you not like it??" You said enjoying your breakfast.

|Time skip|

After this morning training, our coach didn't gave up the idea of winning the Football frontier, well... Most of your teammates didn't too.

Our coach told us that if we win all our next matches it would mean we can qualify for the main tournament, so we all went inside the clubroom and discussed about our next opponents.

Minodouzen Academy.

Known for their very well defense, Goujin and Kozoumaru suggest to attack against them to win.

But our coach told us that the only training we will do is to strengthen our defense, quite surprising, but you didn't knew why would he think of that.

Kozoumaru tried to change coach mind but the coach already went to focus himself on a soccer game.. He seemed frustrated.

We started to practice for like 30 minutes until our trainer order us to gather up, in the end up our coach wanted us to... Pick a paper in the mysterious lottery box no.3

"Loterry..?" Said Asuto.

"It give me weird vibe." You commented.

"Now go ahead." Said our coach with an evil grin.

Iwato and Hiura got the wins meanwhile you and the others got a miss(loss), the coach tells them they'll be doing chores... Or what we can call the "special training".

"Good luck." You look at Hiura and Iwato.
|The next day|
You yawn walking toward the school gate with Asuto, Goujin, Okuiri, Hattori and Hiyori.

You suddenly spot Iwato... Cleaning the wall of the school.

"Iwato!" You shout and waved at him.

Iwato waves back and continues cleaning, we all walk up to him.

"What are you doing?" Ask Okuiri.

"I'm cleaning this wall since 5am..." Said Iwato in a tired tone.

"You've been doing this since 5am?!" Yelled Hattori.

"Besides that's wasn't drawn by the coach himself.." Said Okuiri.

"Ah, what about Hiura?" Ask Asuto.

"Let's check out." You said and rushed in the school and saw Hiura watering the plants and windows.... Over ALL THE CAMPUS.

Then you all went to your trainings but Kozoumaru stopped coming because of him arguing with the coach about offense, but some days later you notice Iwato and Hiura progressing.



Hiura accidently watered you without he notices, because he wanted to show you his method of watering the buildings and plants.

"See! Isn't that cool-oh wow." Said Hiura noticing you were all soaked.

"Y-yeah.." You did a thumbs-up.

Then he started to laugh.

"Hey, may I try?" You ask.

"Sure." Hiura gives you the hosepipe.

"Heh, revenge!" You splash water at Hiura.

"..." Hiura look at you.

You try to not laugh because of how funny his hair looks when it's soaked.

|Time skip/night time/dinner|

You looked around noticing Kozoumaru wasn't there either, you thought of going to the balcony and bingo!

"Found you." You said.

Kozoumaru turns around and sees you. "Oh, it's you.." He said.

You walk up to him, Kozoumaru was sitting on a bench so you sat next to him.

"You know... Not eating won't do good for your body." You said.

"I know.." Replied Kozoumaru.

"You know, when I always stay a bit longer at school to practice my mom would always scold me for it." You chuckle.

"... Me too." Said Kozoumaru.

"Huh ?"

"I said, me too. When I used to stay a bit longer to train, I used to be a defender, but my defense would always get broken, it frustrated me." Said Kozoumaru.

Then he told you his story about how he met Gouenji and how he was convinced to switch to defender to forward.

"So lucky... I wish I could meet Gouenji too! But Kozoumaru.." You look at him.

Kozoumaru look down. "I'm sorry for skipping practice, I'll join from tomorrow on." He said.

"I'm glad. Hey you're not as bad as you look!" You smile.

"Is that a compliment..?" Kozoumaru ask.

"Don't know." You answer.

Then Norika and Asuto invited us to eat dinner together, wich you and Kozoumaru accepted... And mostly because your stomach was YELLING for food.

|Time skip/the day of the match|

We were all in the changing room and admired our new uniform with the sponsors logo, it was cool!

Then we got an announcement that Anna, yes. That Anna from student council has joined us by being a manager.

You all couldn't believe it at first but it was real..

Then Ootani asked us to gather up to take pictures of us, you did a normal pose.

Then we got our Eleven license! You look at yours and there was your name, birthday, description, it's like an ID when you have an official sponsor.

Ootani also explain it can be used a player card or play cards, she then shows her collection and you notice Nosaka's.

"He's..." You point at Nosaka's play card.

"Huh? Oh! He's Nosaka Yuuma from  Outei Tsukinomiya!" Smiled Ootani.

"I met.. Him yesterday."  You said.

"You did?! Aw man! You should've have asked an autograph!" Said Ootani a bit sad.

"Haha... Sorry, I didn't knew he was famous.." You sweat drop.

Then we walked in the field to face them.

Minodouzen Academy.

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