Ending With Endou

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I was on the riverbank watching the sky, at first i wanted to train a bit since i took a soccer ball with me but i got lazy and ended up sitting on a bench and watching the sky like an complete strange person.

"HEY!" I heard someone shouting.

I looked around then noticed the shout was for me, I look up and saw the legendary goalkeeper Endou Mamoru, I waved at him.

He walks down the stairs and walks up to me. "It's been so long! [F/N] right?" Smiled Endou.

"Bingo, you got the name right!" I replied.

"You aren't going to train? I noticed you were holding a soccer ball." Asked Endou.

I sigh. "I kinda got lazy at the end, you can have it if you want." I said giving him the soccer ball.

"How about we train together? I mean I can't really do much if there isn't anyone to shoot in the ball." Said Endou refusing the soccer ball.

"Oh, not a bad idea!" I said and stood up.

"Then let's go then!" Said Endou going toward the goal and putting his keeper gloves. "Shoot with all your strength!" He exclaimed.

I nod and went toward the field and went on front of Endou then shoot in ball toward the goal, Endou successfully blocked it.

"That was great! Do it with more strength!" Said Endou and pass the ball to me.

"Thank you!" I said.

After that we started to hangout more often, practice, going outside, Endou was fun to have around, more than i imagined!

|After some months|

I was on my bed texting my parents until I received an text from Endou.




[F/N]! Hey!

Yo Endou! What's up?

Well... I was wondering if you wanted to hangout tomorrow? ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ

Sure! When and where?

At Inazuma Park, hm.. How about 1pm?

Okay! See you there!

I smiled happily.

|The next day|

I went to Inazuma Park after eating lunch, I waited there for some minutes before finally seeing Endou coming a bit late.

"Sorry! Did you wait here for a long time?" Asked Endou.

"Don't worry, I also just got there!" I lied to not make Endou feel guilty for making me wait.

"What's today's plan?" I asked.

"Today I planned with..." Then Endou took out his phone and showed me a picture. "With a soccer match! Kidou and Gouenji are having a friendly match with Seishou and Kidokawa!" Smiled at Endou.

The picture was Kidou shaking Gouenji's hand.

"I didn't knew about that! Let's go watch it then!" I said excited.

"Alright !" Said Endou, then guided me to the Stadium where they held the friendly soccer match.

There some spectators that came to watch with an commentator, the match was very stressful even though i wasn't the one who's playing.

After that the first half ended, Endou tap my shoulder to get my attention, wich worked, I look at him and he gave me a snack.

"Thank you!" I smiled and accepted the snack and started to eat it.

"I wonder who's gonna win!" Said Endou.

"Same, both team are doing well!" I said.

Endou nod in agreement.

The second half starts, I was soo concentrated on the match that i didn't pay attention to my surroundings.

But then Endou whispered these words to me. "I love you." I look at him.

He was avoiding eyes contact and looked away blushing a lot, he was red as an apple.

I smiled and whispered back. "I love you." wich makes him very happy that he hugged me, I hugged him back.

(then you can imagine the next stories with you and him!)

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