Ending With Haizaki

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Art by Dolustoy on twitter and pixiv!

I was on my way home until i see a box on the corner of the street, I approached it and heard something, I opened the box and saw a black cat.

"Gosh, who could abandon a cute cat like you?" I said in a sad tone, this world was so cruel against animals.

I opened my arms to the cat, the cat meowed and jumped in accepting me like it's owner already, but sadly i live in a logement, I know Yone would accept I bring a cat but.. What about my teammates though?

"Huh? What are you doing here?"

I heard a familiar voice, I look at the voice direction and saw Haizaki.

"Oh hey!" I stood up holding the cat in my arms.

"You have a... Cat ?" Haizaki asked noticing the cat in my arms.

"Oh.. No, this cat was abandoned, I was thinking on how i could keep it safe." I answered.

"... I.. I can take care of it, if you want." Said Haizaki.

"You can?!" I asked happily.

"Yeah." He replied looking away.

"You're saving a life here Haizaki! Here." I gave the cat to Haizaki.

"It's not a big deal, I've already took care of a cat before." Said Haizaki.

"You did?" I look at Haizaki, I mean.. When we look at Haizaki we first think he's a brute or even a delinquent, but... Does he have.. A soft spot for cats?

"Yeah, in Seishou. There was this cat who would walk around." Replied Haizaki.

"That's awesome Haizaki! May I visit you someday to see the cat?" I smiled.

"Sure." Haizaki take out his phone. "Give me your number so I can send you my address." He said.

"Oh, right!" I said and took out mine and we exchanged numbers.

Then sometimes I would go to Haizaki's apartment to visit the cat and the cat would look healthier everyday, Haizaki does know how to treat a cat.

|a month later|

I got a sudden text from Haizaki telling me he needed me for something important, I thought immediately the cat was injured or even worse scenarios.

I grabbed my stuff and rushed to Haizaki's apartment.

"Haizaki!" I knocked on his door.

He opens the door. "You finally came."

"Of course I came! You said it was important, so what happened?! Where's the cat?!" I asked panicking.

"It's nothing about the cat." He replied.

"Huh?" I tilt my head.

"I wanted to tell you something." He said.

"Oh, phew... You got me worried sick." I sigh.

"It's important." Haizaki pins me against the wall.

"Okay, okay! Sorry! You're too close!" I looked away from Haizaki.

"I like you." Said Haizaki who seemed a bit embarrassed.

I froze for a moment to process this but i started to chuckle. "Haizaki.. I love you too." I smiled.

Haizaki stops pinning me, he face his back at me and hold his mouth.

"Are you blushing?" I asked.

"No, I am not!" He replied yelling.

"If you say so." I laughed.

After that our team got informed we were in couple, at first they thought we were joking for April fools but.. Then they noticed it wasn't.

They were very supportive.

As for me and Haizaki we both lived happily.

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