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"well... I see what you mean, but.. We need to trick Endou on using Majin the hand first." I answered.

"I agree, that's why Kozoumaru will use Fire Tornado, so Endou can concentrate on it." Suggested Asuto.

"Using Fire Tornado as a decoy..?" Kozoumaru didn't seemed to be agreeing to this.

"It's not a decoy, Fire Tornado is enough strong for Endou to use all his strength on it!" I smiled.

"... Well.. I guess, I can't say no, we need to win this match anyway." said Kozoumaru who seemed to be hidding his joy that i complimented Fire Tornado.

The match continues as i steal the ball and passes it to Asuto, Asuto kicks the ball in the sky, Kozoumaru jumps and uses Fire Tornado then shoots toward the goal.

As guessed, Endou uses Majin the hand trying to block it but Asuto dashed toward the ball and changed the ball direction, then Goujin comes and headbutt the ball.

Endou tries to block it by attempting to do a new hissatsu but fails since the hissatsu wasn't fully mastered yet, another player from Tonegawa tries to block the shoot with his head but he ends up getting hit by the ball.



The opposite team ends up playing as 10 players since the player who tried to block the shoot with his head ended up heavily injured.

The match continues as we try to score again but Endou successfully mastered his Hissatsu in a short amount of time.

The name is "God of win, God of lightning."

"This is getting harder now." I thought.

I looked at the eleven band, there was only 5 minute left and both team are in tie.


The match was starting to get tiring for the opponent's, but suddenly they switch players with a girl I've never seen before, her name seems to be Ponko, she has a... Animal tail?

It seems to be her first debut on the football frontier.

The match resume as Tonegawa starts the kick-off and passes the ball to Ponko, she was fast and agile, she easily dodges us but gots stopped by Iwato.

She was persistent to get the ball back but Iwato was stronger and kept the ball.

"[F/N]!" Iwato passes the ball to me, I looked at captain, Kozoumaru and Asuto, they looked at me.

"You three can do it!" I shouted and pass the ball to Asuto.

"count on us to score!" Smiled Asuto.

The three of them passes the ball to each other creating an tornado surrounding them to avoid opponents bothering them, Endou prepares himself for the shoot.

"Victory line!" this new hissatsu has the particularity of having three different directions, Endou was confused on wich directions the ball will take.

Endou tries to block it but what he didn't knew was...

"Huh?!" Endou notices someone behind the shoot.

"Here's the shoot you were waiting for Endou!" I shouted and did a shoot chain with Victory line.



Endou eyes widen, he wasn't paying attention to the background, so I took the opportunity to score.


The referee whistle the end of the match, Endou walk up to me and smiles. "You didn't bring down my expectations [L/N] [F/N], you're an amazing forward!"

"Endou.. Complimented me.. Woah.." I thought then i bowed at him. "Thank you!" I said.

"No need to be so formal, let's be friends." Said Endou and held out his hand, I looked at him and nod.

"Mhm !" I shake his hand.

After this amazing moment speaking with Endou when i came to the bench I saw our coach in a bear suit.. I knew he was planning something.

Our coach was spying us for the whole time, he wanted us to win without his help.. But isn't the coach job to help us though?

|Time skip/night time|

I was on the balcony watching the stars.


I turned around and saw Asuto. "Couldn't sleep either?" I asked.

"Yep." He replied and sat down next to me. "The next match will be the last." He said.

"Against Outei right?"

"Yeah, that team that... Won against Seishou Gakuen." Replied Asuto.

"We have to counter this Hissatsu tactics.. Or it will be the end for us, that's for sure." I said.

"Do you think.. The coach has an idea?" Asuto looks at the stars too.

"I'm sure of it, he always has one with weird names." I giggled.

"True!" chuckled Asuto.

"I wanna go home already.." I mumbled.

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