New Ally

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|After school|

I was walking toward the gate to step outside of school until I saw Haizaki on my way.

"Haizaki!" I shouted, Haizaki turns around and notices me, I walk up to him.

"Oh, the Raimon uniform fits you well!" I complimented but he wasn't wearing it properly though.

"Oh thanks, where are you heading to?" He asked.

"To visit captain! But I wanted to buy him some fruits before going, you wanna come? The whole team is gonna join us!" I exclaimed.

"Sure, I have nothing to do anyway." He replied.

"Alrighty! Then let's go get some watermelon(or other fruits if you dislike watermelon)!" I smiled.

"Why watermelon..?" Haizaki look at me with a judgement look.

"I don't know.. Maybe cuz it's Captain's favorite maybe?" I responded.


Then me and Haizaki went to buy one and head toward the hospital and saw our teammates already there.

"Let's go!" Said Asuto, then we all walked in the hospital and entered captain's room

"Thank you for coming." Smiled the captain.

I sat down on a chair next to the captain's bed. "We're glad you're in good health!" I said.

"You had us all worried!" Said Goujin.

"I'm hospitalized just to play it safe, but I don't think it's that serious." Said Captain.

"Thank goodness, I thought it was something major!" Said Norika feeling relieved.

Captain chuckles. "Sorry about that." Captain looks at Haizaki direction. "I heard about Haizaki, he's a reassuring asset for the team. I'm counting on you for the finals, Haizaki!" He said.

"Sure." Replied Haizaki simply.

"Haizaki..." I stared at him. "Proper answer." I said.

"Hm.." Haizaki sigh. "Sure, lookin' forward to working with you." He corrected his answer.

I sweatdrop, Goujin got mad and tried to hit Haizaki but Captain and Asuto stopped him, but Goujin calms down and sits down on his seat.

"[F/N]. I have a request." Said Captain.

"What is it?" I look at him.

"I want you to act as a captain in my place." he said.


"Huh? Huh? Huh?!" I stand up from my seat not believing what he just said. "Wait wait! No! I do not agree." I answered.

"Why?" Ask Captain.

"I totally. Do. Not. Fit. This!" I replied.

"Don't worry about it, I'll be supporting you from the bench on the day of the match." Smiled Captain.

"That's too much responsibility, I can't-" then Asuto put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry! We'll be helping you [F/N]!" he smiled at me.

I inhale and exhale. "Is this really a good idea..?" I asked.

"We got your back!" Said Goujin encouraging me.

I looked at everyone who has faith in me, they all were smiling at me even Haizaki who never smiles usually..

"Fine, you all convinced me, I'll try!" I replied and sat down.

"That's the spirit!" Said Captain.

|Time skip|

Everyone went back to home, but I stayed a bit with captain to speak about our future match against Outei, I then left since the hospital was about to close.

"I'm going now captain!" I bowed.

"See you." he smile.

I nodded and closed the door and left the hospital, when I left the entrance i saw Haizaki from afar.

"Haizaki..?" I walked toward him.

"You're done?" he asked.

"Oh, yeah. Why are you still here? I thought you already went home." I said.

"I just wanted to say that.."


"I'm not the same person anymore, I truly want to play soccer without thinking about revenge!" He exclaimed.

"I know."

"You do..?" He looks at me.

"Yeah. Why? You thought i was doubting you?" I look at him.

"N-no! I.. I'm going now see you tomorrow." Then Haizaki walked away.

"How weird..?" I thought.

|The next day/Morning|

I woke earlier than before to practice sooner, I didn't wake up Norika since she was sleeping peacefully.

After changing and stuff, I walked toward the clubroom then..

"Hello, [F/N]." I see.. Nosaka sitting on one of the seats of the clubroom.

"Nosaka?!" I yelled.

"Nice to meet you again." He smiled.

"What are you doing here..?" I asked.

"I'm here to tell your team something, let's wait for them. Shall we?" He replied.


After some minutes everyone finally came in the clubroom, everyone gathered around Nosaka.

Nosaka came to give us a detailed data of his team to make the match fair, I found it quite suspicious, he wants a fair match even though he used rough play to end Seishou Gakuen on the field last time.

Then Nosaka left.

"You guys practice, I'll have some words with Nosaka." I said following Nosaka.

"Nosaka, wait!" I walked outside, Nosaka stopped and turns towards me.

"Why did you came here for exactly?" I asked him.

"Listen to me carefully then, I have been diagnosed with a brain tumor, and this match.. For me, it will be last." He answered.

"Brain tumor..?" I couldn't believe it, he seemed normal on my point of view.. Wait.

That time when he fell on the floor, the small box i found.. "So, that time when you fell, it was because of this?" I asked.

"Yes, sadly. This last match, I want you to watch me playing and I want you." Nosaka points at me. "To see me achieving my goal." then Nosaka walked away.

So that's it.

That's why he wants to play so badly.

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