Tonegawa Tousen

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I started doing a warm-up before entering the field, this match is gonna be hard, with my teammates being apart, I don't think the teamwork is going to be stable.

The match starts as we do the kick-off, everything went normaly and well until we reach the opponents goal, Goujin tries to score but Endou easily blocks it by punching the ball back to Goujin to provoke him.

Kozoumaru steals the ball from Goujin and uses Fire Tornado, I thought that Endou would use a hissatsu to block that but I was wrong.

Endou kicked the ball away to pass it to his teammates, my mouth was wide open in shocked, but i focused back on the match and tried to stop the opponent.

The opponents passes the ball to each other to dodge us, but i found something weird, why is a defender going in the offense..?

"He's a libero!" Shouted Mansaku to warn all of us.

"So that's it..." I mumbled, I tried to remember this player name, Sakanoue is it?

Sakanoue tries to score without an hissatsu but Norika blocks it easily.

And after this attempt of scoring your teammates started to fight again, it's starting to get messy. Alot.

The match continues as Hiura uses ice arrow and shoot directly from his position toward the opponents goal, Endou prepare his posture and uses his hissatsu.

"Majin the hand!" Endou blocks Hiura's hissatsu with with his hand.

Kozoumaru blamed Hiura for not passing him the ball, but Hiura ignored Kozoumaru and went back to his position.

Tonegawa two forwards succeed to approach our goals, they used their hissatsu and score the first goal of the match.


The referee whistle the end of the first half.

I walked toward the bench, i sigh disappointed, I thought they'll atleast make an effort and play together but seems like i was totally wrong, how can i gather the team back again?

Normally.. It's either captain or Asuto that does that to cheer us up, I wonder how can they do that..


I then heard something, I looked around.

"Over here...!" Someone whispered to me, I look on the opponents bench and saw Endou calling me, he does a sign to me to approach him.

I stood up and walked toward him. "Is there anything i can help with?" I asked.

"You're the forward of the team right?" Smiled Endou.

I nodded. "Yeah, but I can also play midfielder." I replied.

"I see, I'll be waiting for you to shoot, I've watched your matches, but make sure that this shoot also come from your teammates heart." Said Endou and walked away.

"What did he meant by... Heart ?" I tilt my head and went back to my bench.

"What did Endou said to you?" Asked Norika.

"He wanted me to score against him.." I replied.

"Huh?" Norika seemed confused. So I am.

The second half starts as the opposite team starts the kick-off, no matter how many times the opponents lose the ball, their teammates would always be there.

"Listen everyone!" This voice is... It's captain's, my attentions went all to him.

He gave us a speech about having fun in soccer, and told us that he has been observing everyone and their progress and practices.

(I'll spare you all from this speech because if I wrote that, it would be way too long trust me.)

It motivated everyone, it gathered them back just as i expected from someone like him, we tried to score but Endou was like a mountains, huge and strong.

Captain suggest to use combined Hissatsu, Asuto and Kozoumaru agreed.

"What do you think [F/N]?" Ask captain.

I look at them.


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