Ray meets Peter

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I sit cross legged on Ray's grey sofa with a mug of hot coffee in my hands, Ray sits on the grey armchair opposite me, a cup of hot coffee in his hands too. Last night he gave me one of his t shirts to wear whilst I slept in the spare room of his apartment, though I didn't get much sleep, I spent most of the night tossing and turning.

'Who are his real parents?' I ask, hoping that something will bring back my memories.

'I don't know' Ray sighs, 'The only people who would know are those who adopted him first, they adopted him directly from his real parents, the other two couples adopted him from carehomes, I don't know which ones though, however I know the name of the couple who adopted him last and I can do a bit of research on them for you'

'Why did he keep getting put back into care homes? Did the couples not want him anymore?'

Ray sighs, 'They each had the same answer when asked that question, their answer would always be that he is too evil, too heartless'

I take a few sips of my coffee, blowing on it to cool it down. 'When did he disappear?'

'After the fight had ended, the ambulance and police and firetruck came, the whole care home was ablaze and almost everyone was dead. The firefighters put out the fire before the authorities went in, the majority were pronounced dead at the seen, it was only a couple who were severely injured and taken to hospital, but they died soon after. The entire care home was searched for survivors, on the top floor was his room' he pauses to gulp down most of his coffee, 'his room was untouched and the two of you sat on his bed, also untouched, the only survivors'

'How? Were we not involved in the fight? Were we not harmed by the fire?' I furrow my eyebrows

'No, none of the children would dare go into his room or try and pick a fight, I dread to think what he would have done to them if they did' he shakes his head.

I put down my now almost empty mug of coffee and stare at Ray 'So how do we find him now?'

His eyes widen in shock as he stutters out his words 'find him? why on earth would you want to do that?'

'I want to know why he's doing all of this, what's the reason behind killing off everyone I love' I tell him, as if it were the most obvious answer ever.

'No no no, Annalise you cannot find him' he puts down his empty mug on the wooden coffee table, shaking his head vigorously. 'It is much safer for you if you never find him and never see him'

'Why? He has already found me anyway, it's just a matter of seeing him now and asking him' I shrug, but Ray shakes his head again.

'It's not that simple Annalise, how do you know that he won't harm you? Or that he will even answer your questions? What if he kills everyone off and leaves you alone in the world and you never hear from him again? Sometimes it might be better to not know something, than to know'

'So what? I'm supposed to sit around and know nothing whilst everyone around me dies, until I'm the last one standing and then I might die too? Or if he leaves me alive then I will probably go crazy, I need to do something Ray, I might be able to put a stop to this' I tell him, almost shouting 'You said that he was obsessed with me, the only person that he was nice to, that means he wouldn't hurt me right?'

Ray sighs again 'Just because you were the only one he was nice to, it doesn't mean he won't harm you Annalise, you have to understand that he is not mentally stable, he's psychotic, he enjoys getting into people's heads and making them feel a type of fear beyond what they have ever felt before, he psychologically terrorises people into doing things or committing suicide, he's playing a game Annalise, and we are all pawns in his game'

I take in what he's saying, absorbing the information, it makes sense what he is saying but I didn't know that he was that bad, how could a child do such a thing? 'I don't want to be a pawn in his game, I want to be a player, I want to know the rules' I stand up, walking to the bedroom that I had slept in last night.


'Are you sure that you can trust this guy?' Ray asks, I nod slowly.

Ray and I are currently sitting on a table inside a small coffee shop in WestTown, after our talk I had managed to convince Ray to come and meet peter, he was hesitant but I believe that it may be a good idea. I stare down at the croissant placed in front of me on a simple white plate, Ray had a small cup of espresso in front of him.

I look around the simple yet cosy coffee shop, it's not very busy but it is rather popular. I look around at the people sat at the tables, an elderly couple deep in conversation over two half full cups of coffee, a group of three girls sat with coffee and croissants which they arrange and then rearrange, trying to take a good photo of the table, a young man who's face is hidden by the newspaper in his hands leaving only his brown hair visible, and a middle aged man typing vigorously at a laptop whilst taking bites of a sandwich.

A warm breeze drifts in as the door opens and I smile as Peter enters, looking around the coffee shop before spotting me and heading over with a friendly smile on his face. Ray stands as Peter reaches our table, earning his attention 'Hello, I am Ray Sylvester' he holds out his hand.

'Ah, so you are Ray Sylvester' Peter shakes his hand, 'Nice to meet you, I am Peter'


He looks down at his watch, one hour and half, that was how much time they had spent talking. His eyes followed the three of them, mainly focusing on the young female, as they exited the coffee shop, bidding each other goodbye outside.

He slowly folded his news paper, placing it neatly on the table in front of him, a scoff left his mouth, what a waste of time. Their chat was meaningless, they had gotten nowhere in discovering who he really is or what he was trying to achieve, it was clearly going to take them a while.

He stands from his seat, pushing his hands into the pockets of his jacket and slowly exits the coffee shop, walking calmly along the street, ignoring the casual glances of those he passed as well as the occasional nudge he felt whenever someone were to hurry past him. After half an hour, he stood outside the dilapidated care home, just staring at it as the memories raced through his mind, a small smirk formed on his face as he turned on his heels and began walking away.

'This is just the beginning' he spoke.

Thank you all for your patience! I didn't actually realise how long it had been since I last updated but thank you for your comments and votes. I hope you all enjoy this chapter.
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