I always win

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- 2 days later -

Unknown POV

I sit on the sofa in Peter's living room, my jumper had been discarded a while ago on the opposite sofa and now I am wearing Annalise's jumper that I found in the room where she sleeps in Peter's house. I grab the front and bring it up to cover my mouth and nose, it smells like her. I inhale deeply. 

It's been two days and either of them have returned, I am usually very good at finding my Annalise, but now I don't know where she is. In all honesty I haven't put much effort into looking for her whereabouts, I don't need to, I already know who has taken her. 

Two days ago I was sitting in my own apartment, on the floor of what was meant to be the living room but there was no furniture in the room, only a laptop with the charging cable trailing along the floor and plugged into the wall socket. I was sat watching as Peter came home from work just over an hour after Annalise had left, he had come home early. I watched as he took off his shoes and drank from the tap, I watched as he answered the door, I watched as he was punched in the face, drugged and then taken away, the front door being slammed shut by the men who took him. I watched with a smirk on my face. 

I know exactly who had taken him and once I realised that Annalise wasn't coming home either, I knew that he had also taken her as well. I could find out where they both were but why would I waste my time and energy? I know that he is going to get in touch with me and he is going to tell me where they are. 

Admittedly, I was rather annoyed when Peter was kidnapped, I wanted to be the one to kill him, but I know that who took him isn't going to kill him, so I would still get my chance. That makes me happy. Unfortunately I now have to put my plans on hold as I wait for Peter's location to be disclosed, I roll my eyes, what a nuisance. 

Realising that Annalise had been kidnapped too had turned my annoyance into anger, although I wasn't angry at the fact that she was kidnapped, I was angry at the way that I assume she would have been kidnapped. I saw how rough the men were with Peter and I know that they would have been just as rough with Annalise, that is what angers me. She is mine. What right do they have to touch her? What right do they have to hurt her? Just the mere thought of anyone else's dirty hands on Annalise's beautiful soft skin angers me, angers me to the point where I begin imagining how I'm going to make them regret ever touching her. 


Maybe I should burn their hands, tie them to a chair and force their hands into fire, or better yet I can make them watch as I heat up an oven tray until it's scolding hot and then press their palms against it, smiling in their faces whilst they scream. Or maybe an iron might be hotter? What if I just cut off their hands altogether? Cut off their hands and send them to their families. 

Now, sitting in Peter's living room and watching the news on his TV I begin to imagine what it would have been like had Officer Jones caught me, what questions she would have asked me in the interrogation room. I imagine that she would have had a smile on her face when interrogating me, not because she was trying to make me feel a bit more comfortable in that bare room that I was seated in with Officer Leroy, but smiling because she was happy that she had caught the person who had committed all of those killings. Smiling because she would have won the game. Now I'm smiling because I have won the game, I always win the game. 

Why did you kill them? What were you trying to achieve? Those types of questions I imagine she would have asked, then she would try and make me feel guilty, Do you know how much the families are suffering? Do you know how heartbroken the victim's friends are? That's always how it is, they always talk about the victim's family and friends and how they are feeling. They never ask if you know how the victim felt and the pain they were in whilst you were killing them. The media do the same, showing pictures and videos of crying family members or friends. They make the public feel sympathy or empathy for someone by showing people who weren't even there at the time, they will show the picture of the victim but the main focus is on how the family is grieving, maybe it's because people feel sorry for other people by seeing how much they're suffering due to their loss. But they obviously don't feel that sorry for them, they just go back to whatever they were doing before, once they've commented on how sad it is that someone had been killed.

Then the people would start giving their opinion, He should be sentenced to death for such a horrible crime, I smirk, how ironic, people would call the crimes I committed horrible whilst offering the same thing as a punishment. Lock him away in prison for the rest of his life, that's the popular punishment for criminals, prison. The world's criminals all crammed into the same building and locked in small rooms with a bed and a toilet for years, only allowed out an hour a day for fresh air. 

However, prison isn't easy, rumours about criminals laying on comfortable beds with food being delivered to them whilst they watch TV, that might be true in some prisons but not for prisons that hold the offenders of serious crimes. The countries worst criminals, sitting in cells smaller than the average bathroom, with a dirty mattress and an uncomfortable toilet, staring at the same plain white walls for hours upon hours a day, if you weren't already crazy then it would make you crazy, then being taken into a kitchen where they have to cook their own food, that's when it's best not to get on the bad side of the other criminals, they would spit in your food and laugh whilst they watch you eat it or throw boiling water all over you. Would I do that in prison? Or would I do worse?

I smile, but that's not going to happen, I have already won, Officer Jones and Officer Leroy are both dead, the next officer that they appoint to the case won't have a clue where to start, I will be long gone by then. I'm pulled out of my thoughts as my phone starts to ring, there is no number displayed, but I already know who it is. 

I answer the phone, bringing it up to my ear 'Hello... Mathew Cross' 


Did anyone guess that it was Mathew Cross? If you can't remember, he's the co-owner and now the only owner of WestTown Care home, re-read chapter 'The Letter' if you still can't remember. Why do you think he's kidnapped them? What do you think he's going to tell BEAST? I want to know where you guys think this is going. COMMENT&VOTE

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