Prime Suspect

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Officer Jones' POV

I stare down at all of the papers on my desk, it's the profiles of all the people who have been killed and the longer I stare at it the harder it is to find any other links apart from the fact that they all know Annalise. Someone must be targeting those that she knows? Is she the one carrying out the murders? 

I pick up the paper with Harvey's name on it, is he linked with these too or is this a separate murder? There are no obvious ways to link him with Annalise, maybe he's a friend of a friend? Either way there's a lack of evidence that links him to Annalise, so we will just have to put him aside for the moment, maybe a link will appear soon otherwise he will have to be investigated separately. 

I pick up the phone on my desk, calling officer Leroy into my office, a couple of minutes later, he walks in holding two files. 'These are the transcripts for the interviews that we did with Annalise and Ray, we should go through them again to see if we have missed something' 

After half an hour we finish reading the transcripts 'Did you notice something?' Leroy looks up at me 

I nod 'She seems to have used the turn 'he' and 'him' when she's speaking, that implies that whoever the murderer is, it's a male' 

Leroy smirks 'Ray has used the same terms, do you think maybe they have an idea of who it might be?'

'She also thinks that they were killed by the same person, this means that she must know there is one person who is targeting those that are somehow related to her'

'And he's a male' Leroy nods 'I will do some background checks on Ray and Annalise, hopefully it will reveal something new' 


'Come in' I call out to the person who has just knocked on my door, I have just returned from having lunch. Leroy enters holding a stack of paper 'Have you found anything?' 

He sits down opposite my desk and drops the papers in front of me, 'I found something interesting, Annalise grew up in WestTown care home where the incident happened and Ray used to work at WestTown care home when Annalise was there but now he works in an office in the city'

I flick through the papers 'Maybe if we knew more about their lives at the care home it might provide a clue, I suspect that the care home is somehow linked to this investigation and even if it isn't it will provide some useful information that could help us'

Leroy nods in agreement, 'the officer in charge during the incident is officer Blume, his telephone number is at the bottom of that page' he points.

I pick up my office phone and dial the number, putting it on loudspeaker so that Leroy can also hear, after a few rings a male vice answers 'Officer Blume speaking'

'Good afternoon officer, my name is Officer Jones and I work with the police in the neighbouring town' I say, leaning closer to the telephone.

'Oh yes, I have heard of you' he answers 'How may I help you?'

'I have a few questions to ask you about the incident with WestTown care home, you do remember don't you?' I pick up a pen and piece of paper, ready to write down what he tells me 'I just want to know what happened, I heard there were some survivors' 

'Yes, well it's unclear how the incident started, we have been unable to find out what drove the children and staff to commit such horrific things and we suspect one of them my have started the fire' he begins to explain, I jot down some notes as Leroy sits quietly. 'There were survivors: two children, a worker and a co-owner of the care home'

'How did they survive?' I ask

'That is also a bit of a mystery, the two children and worker were hiding in a room that seem untouched by the commotion or fire so that is how they survived and the co-owner wasn't there that day though the other owner was and he died' 

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