The real plan

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Unknown POV

--- 2 hours before the explosion ---

I hang up the phone after hearing Mathew Cross explain where he wanted me to go, I smirk as a little bit of excitement bubbles up deep inside me, he wants to play games with me? Let's play, but I always win. I stand up from the sofa I was sitting on in Peter's house, two hours is a long time that he has given so he clearly doesn't think that I am already in WestTown and the Care home isn't that far away, one point to me.

I walk out of Peter's house, closing the front door and pushing my hands into my pockets. I walk in the direction of the Care home, I look around at the people who walk past me. The majority of them just continue walking past and completely ignore me but some look at me, making eye contact with me. An old woman wobbles over to a bench and slowly sits down, letting out a pained sigh as she holds her hip, I watch her as I continue walking, she looks around her as she sits or a quick break, we make eye contact and she smiles at me.

I stare back at her as I walk past, her smile fading and she turns to smile at someone else. A smirk threatens to tug at my lips, an old woman smiled at me, a stranger that she doesn't know and won't even remember the face of. Would she still smile at me if she knew how many people I've killed? As I look around at all the different people walking past me, some seeing me and some not seeing me, it becomes harder to contain my smirk. These people have no idea who they're walking past, they are probably judging me based on how I look and what I'm wearing, I wonder what they're thinking.

Do they think I'm a guy going to visit my girlfriend? A guy going to work? A guy going home? They have no idea that they are walking past a murderer, would they walk so close if they did? No, they definitely wouldn't smile at me either.

After almost half an hour of walking I look at the road name 'West Close', he said it would be two roads down and so I continue walking and then I see it, 'Chestnut Road'. I turn into it and walk slowly down the road, looking up at the warehouses that line the street, steam emits from a few of them and the names of well-known brands sits proudly at the top, he said it was the last warehouse. The road is rather long and it takes a good fifteen minutes before I finally reach the last one, it looks dilapidated, the only recent sign of life that I assume has been inside was probably homeless people sheltering away during winter, this warehouse was slightly bigger than the others.

I look around and see no one on the street, except for parked cars, one car stands out the most. An expensive black Range Rover, the rest of the cars look quite dirty and well used, I walk closer to the shirt Range Rover and peer in, there's no one inside. I turn back to face the warehouse, it looks like they're already inside. Glancing down at my watch I see that I have over and hour before Mathew Cross expects me to be here, I'm very early.

I walk inside the gates and towards the building, the door is large and made of metal so it would make noise if I were to open it. Instead I walk along the building to the shattered windows, peering in I see no one inside, I guess that's my invitation to enter then. I pull on my gloves before grabbing hold of the window ledge, my muscles bulge through the shirt I am wearing as I lift myself up, bring my feet up and swinging them in through the window and then jumping inside the warehouse, too easy. I walk slowly inside, being as quiet as possible, if there car is here then it mean they are also here. But I know Mathew Cross himself isn't here, he wouldn't risk coming here, he's probably sent some of his idiot men to do his dirty work for him.

A metal staircase is at the far right, leading up to the second floor of the warehouse, I climb it. The second floor holds large machines, I wonder what they used to make in here. There are several pieces of cardboard laid out on the ground, obviously where homeless people have probably slept. I walk into one of the rooms that looks like it used to be an office space and stand at the large window that looks out onto the back, from here I can see two smaller buildings, that must be where the men are seeing as they're not in here. I stand in the same place for over half an hour before I finally see two men walking out of one of the smaller buildings, they talk to each other as they make their way back in the warehouse, I can now hear them downstairs, 'I'll call the boss and tell him we're done here, there's half an hour left before he shows up' one of the men speaks loudly, the sound of the door is heard before silence returns, they obviously don't know that I'm already here, two points to me.

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