A man that doesn't exist

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Officer Jones' POV

'Dead? In the CCTV room? How is that even possible?' I shout at one of the officers as he tells me the news about Leroy.

'Officer Jones' the woman sighs, 'He was interviewing the eye witness for Ray's murder and so no one had gone in to disturb him, after an hour an officer went in to see if he had finished as they needed to use the room but they found the room empty and there was no sign of him in his office either, so he decided to check the CCTV to see where he is and that's when he walked in on his body in the CCTV room' 

'And you're telling me that no one saw who did it? No one looked suspicious?' I ask, the woman shakes her head and sigh in frustration, leaning my hands on my desk, 'So who was the eye witness that he was talking to? They must have been the last person to see Leroy alive, maybe they saw something suspicious' 

'We don't know who the eye witness is I'm afraid' she shrugs, I furrow my eyebrows.

'What do you mean? How can you not know?' I ask

She explains, 'Well, the eye witness came in this morning to speak to officer Leroy and that was when the identity would be revealed but no one saw the eye witness leave the building after the interview and officer Leroy's note do not provide a name for the eye witness, we just have the notes that he wrote on what the eye witness claimed to have seen' 

'Wait, so you saw the eye witness come into the station right? But no one saw the witness leave?' I furrow my eyebrows, the woman nods 'When did the CCTV stop working?' 

'The CCTV was down the entire time that the eye witness was having the interview, it was only after officer Leroy's body was found did some of the officers decide to check the CCTV cameras and by that time they were up and running again but the footage from the eye witness' arrival is still missing, the cameras seem to have been disabled and then enabled'

'Do we know who disabled them?' I ask, starting to get suspicious 

'One of the officers is trying to figure that out now, usually the system tells us from which computer the CCTV cameras were disabled from, there is an officer trying to find out now, he believes that it may be an inside job and that one of the police officers were in on it' 

I shake my head slowly, 'I don't think this was an inside job, who saw the eye witness enter?' I ask

'The secretary at the front desk' she replies

'Bring him into me now' I tell her


A few minutes later and the young man from the front desk is sitting not he seat opposite my desk, I put my mug of coffee down as I watch him, 'So do you remember what the eye witness looked like?' 

'Only a little bit, we've had quite a few eye witnesses come in recently to be interviewed for lots of different crimes and it's hard to remember them all, we usually just call up with the officer they claim to be seeing in order to verify them and allow them in, officer Leroy confirmed to us that he was expecting an eye witness so we just let him in' the young man explains.

'Him? The eye witness was male?' I ask, the young man nods, 'Do you remember at all what he looks like?' 

'Not really, I remember him having very striking green eyes, but I don't remember a lot as I was preparing to swap shifts with another officer, so I was a little distracted at the time' he explains apologetically. Striking green eyes? My memory brings me back to the picture of the young boy that Leroy and I had suspected to be the murderer we were looking for, he had very striking green eyes too. It's all starting to come together now. 

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