The first kidnapper

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Annalise's POV

I brought my hand up, slowly rubbing my eyes as I wake up. Looking around at the unfamiliar room I notice that it's bare, a black curtain covers the window leaving rays of sunshine to peak through the sides and dimly light up the room, the room was empty and the only thing in it is the bed I'm laying on. I sit up slowly and look down, a little surprised to see that I was laying on his chest, when did we move from Mathew Cross' house? He must have brought me here when I fell asleep, but where are we?

I stare down at him in silence, a white t shirt is stretched over his tan muscled chest and grey sweatpants hug his strong thighs, I blush as I feel his arm still wrapped around my waist, his chocolate coloured hair is messily splayed over the pillow with a few strands resting on his forehead. His beautiful green eyes open slowly, 'Good morning beautiful, did you sleep well?' 

I nod silently, his arm wraps tighter around my waist and he brings his other hand up and strokes my hair out of my face, smoothing it back before burying his hand in my hair, he gently presses down on the back of my head and pulls me down to lay on his chest again. 

'Where are we?' I ask, clearing my throat

'An apartment that I am staying at for now, we're in WestTown' he replies, his fingers combing through my hair and occasionally detangling a knot. We lay in silence for a few minutes, 'Are you ready for today?' he says after a while.

I furrow my eyebrows slightly and peer up at him, 'What happens today?'

A smirk pulls on his face as he stares up at the ceiling 'Today it all ends' 


I stand next to him in front of a semi-detached house, staring up at the windows above, there are no cars in the driveway and at first glance it doesn't look like there is anybody home, but there is, there is one man at home, it's one of the two men who worked for Mathew Cross and one of the two men who kidnapped me. 

'What are we going to do? Are you just going to kill him?' I ask, he wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me into his side.

'We are going to trick him into letting us in then we're going to plant a bomb in his house and it will explode whilst he is inside' he explains. 

'Is that why I have to wear a disguise? So he won't recognise me?' I ask, frowning as I stare down at the brunette wig that's securely placed on my head, my hair underneath is tied in a bun. My eyebrows have also been pencilled in to match the colour of the wig, and dark mascara coats my eyelashes. We are both dressed in matching navy blue overalls with a black top underneath and caps on our heads to hide our faces a little, hanging from our necks is fake ID for a gas company. 

He leans down and picks up the rucksack that was leaning against his feet and slings it over his shoulder, moving his face closer to mine his breath fans my face, 'Yes baby, although I must say your natural hair is more beautiful than this wig, you look different so he won't recognise you but I think you look most beautiful natural' he kisses the tip of my nose, lips brushing the side of my nose and cheek as he speaks. I blush, biting down on my bottom lip and looking down, he smirks and chuckles before straightening up 'come on' 

I follow behind him as he walks to the front door, pulling his gloves on, I copy and pull mine on to, he rings the doorbell and we wait. I stare down at the ground, trying to hide my face as the door is pulled open, I stare at the feet of one of my kidnappers, not looking up so he won't recognise me, 'Yes?' his deep voice asks. 

'Hello' he speaks, his voice also deep and as emotionless as it always sounds when he talks to others, 'my colleague and I are here to do a routine check up on you boiler, we called last week to set up an appointment' 

'Ah yes I remember, come in' he says, pulling the door open and stepping to the side, I follow him inside and we stand in the hallway as the man closes his front door. 'The boiler can be checked in the kitchen but large tank is upstairs in the closet in the hallway' 

'Thanks, we will check the one in the kitchen first' he says, and we both follow the man into his kitchen. It's square shaped and a bit on the small side, there are dishes drying next to the sink and multicoloured tea towels hanging from the handles of cupboards, I bite my lip again slightly feeling bad for what we are about to do. 

My ex-kidnapper stands in the kitchen with us and watches us as BEAST opens the cover of the boiler and presses a couple of buttons on it, 'can you pass the me the reader' he says, glancing over at me. I nod silently and lean down unzipping the rucksack that he has placed on the floor, I reach in an pull out a small wired device, I zip the rucksack back up, and hand it to him. 

He plugs the end of it into an opening in the boiler and presses a button on the device, waiting a few seconds before it makes a beeping sound 'It seems alright, we're going to turn the boiler on and go and check the main tank upstairs' he says, the kidnapper nods. 

'It's upstairs to your right behind a cupboard door' he explains, we all walk out of the kitchen and he disappears into his living room as we walk up the stairs. I walk up the stairs in front of him, suddenly feeling his hand on my calf, stroking up my leg, pulling the baggy overalls up to reveal my skin, his gloved fingers tickle the back my knee before he squeezes my thigh, I step away from him once I reach the landing on the second floor, he stand next to me.

'What are you doing?' I whisper, he just smirks. 

'You have the sexiest legs' he growls lowly, his head dips and he bites down gently on my jawline. I gasp, pushing him away slightly. 

Turning right as we were instructed we soon find the main tank, I peek down the stairs to check that he's not coming up before nodding over to him, he pulls the bomb out from the rucksack and attaches it to one of the valves on the tank, that's already beginning to heat up, it takes him a few seconds to set it up and once he is finished, he steps back and gently closes the closet door. 

We walk back down the stairs and into the living room, the kidnapper previously sat on the sofa flicking through TV channels stands up once he sees us 'done already?' he asks, we nod.

'Yes, just leave the boiler running for a few minutes to ensure that it is working properly and then you can turn it off, from what we have seen everything seems to be working fine' he lies, the man nods and walks us to the front door. 'Before we go, can you sign this paper, it's just to say that we've completed the relevant checks' 

I stand on the doorstep, glancing down the street nervously, anxious to go, the boiler is still heating up and the hotter the tank gets the closer the time is to the bomb going off. 'Thank you very much' 

'Have a nice day' I hear my ex-kidnapper call after us as we walk away from the house. 

He chuckles beside me 'We will' 

We walk down the street in silence, it's quiet and there's no one out, we're quite far from the house, he rented a van for the day, telling the rental company that we had ordered large furniture and needed a van to get it home, of course that was a lie. He jumps in the driver's seat and I hop in next to him with a sigh, suddenly I jump and gasp loudly as a large bang is heard and from down the street I see flames engulf the house we were just in, black smoke floating up into the sky.

'It's almost over baby girl, just one more man that kidnapped you and it's all over' he says, pulling away as we drive back to the apartment. 


Hey guys! I'm sorry for the late update, I have been caught up with exams but they're finally over so I'm free to update regularly again. Thank you guys so much for your patience and supportive messages, they really mean a lot to me and I very much enjoy reading them. I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter and remember that this book is NOT finished yet! COMMENT&VOTE

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