Ellie's Mother

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Ellie's Mother's POV

'So, I've heard you have been seeing someone lately, why didn't you tell me?' Clara's mother nudges my side with her elbow, I give her a small smile.

'I was thinking about whether I should start a relationship or not' I sigh, 'Ellie's dad died when she was young but she still remembers him and she loved him so she would have gotten mad at me if I dated anyone else, so I stayed single but now that she's no longer with us, I want to date and live my life but I feel bad because I know that it's something that she wouldn't want' 

Clara's mother sighs 'I know it's hard and that you feel bad, but you have to think about yourself as well, you should have dated when she was alive, she needs to understand that you are still entitled to live your life, there's plenty of widows who re marry' 

'I know, it's just hard' I shrug a shoulder, 'But I did meet someone, he's ever so nice and very handsome'

'What does he look like?' she smiles at me

I sigh dreamily, 'He's the most handsome man I have ever met, his dark hair looks so soft and he has the most beautiful green eyes, but he is a lot younger than me though, I never thought I would be into younger men but he's perfect although a little bit strange'

'Why is he strange?'

'We've been seeing each other for a couple of weeks but I feel like our relationship hasn't progressed at all, we haven't even kissed and he always hates being touched and I don't know why' I frown, she shrugs.

'Maybe he just needs to warm up to you, it might be his first time dating an older woman and he just needs to get used to it' she explains, I nod. 


I turn the key in the lock and push open my front door, I frown in confusion when the smell of food hits me, I didn't cook anything. I kick off my shoes and drop my bag by the door 'hello?' I call as I wonder into the dining room. I gasp in surprise when I see dinner laid out on the table.

'I've been waiting for you' a deep voice speaks, I jump slightly and turn around to see that he's behind me holding two glasses of wine, he holds a glass out to me and I take it from him with a smile 'How was your day?' 

'It was fine, did you prepare all of this?' I ask as I walk towards the table, he nods 'It looks wonderful, thank you very much' 

I take a seat and he sits down opposite me, his usual straight face which doesn't give anything away makes me a little disappointed, can't he at least smile? We talked for a little as we ate but I begin to notice he's acting a little more distant, is he mad about something? 'How is the wine?' he asks.

I pick up my glass to take a gulp 'it's delicious, it tastes expensive, you really didn't have to do this'

'Drink more of the wine, I want you to enjoy it' he says, taking a sip of his own glass without breaking eye contact. I nod and take another gulp of the wine before picking up my fork to eat some more. He stares at me intensely whilst he eats, I try and talk with him but he just ignores me, I pick up my wine glass again. 

'Um, I feel a little bit dizzy' I frown as my limbs feel as if they're going numb. 

'Are you? That will be because of the wine' he states, I look over at him confused 'I have drugged your glass of wine, your limbs will feel numb as they slowly become paralysed, it will continue up the rest of your body until it reaches your heart... then you will die' he says casually, my jaw drops as I stare at him. 

'Wh-what are you talking about?' I try and move my legs but I can't feel them, I look down to see that they've gone limp, falling slightly to the side, frantically I look back up at him as he remains seated and sipping on his glass of wine, 'What's happening? Help me, what are you doing to me?' 

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