'Anyway' Harvey says, giving Peter a glare, 'To cut a long story short, I know that you and Peter were there because you think that's where you grew up'
'Yes, that's true'
'Well, I have some information for you, that I think you will hopefully find very beneficial, I know something that not a lot of people in this town know and if they do know, they haven't told a soul, I think you ought to know seeing as you have found evidence that you were a child in that carehome' Harvey says, I take a sip of the delicious coffee, 'But first, tell me what you remember from being there'
I sigh sadly, 'I don't remember anything before the age of ten'
'I see, so I may as well start from the beginning' Harvey nods in understanding, I feel my stomach twist in nervousness. 'You are now seventeen, which means that seven years ago you left the care home to be adopted by the family that you live with now and whilst you were in that carehome the most gruesome murders to ever happen, happened'
I place my now empty mug back on the tray, watching as Peter and Harvey continue to sip theirs, I was too nervous to sip, I just gulped down the hot bevarage and now I'm kind of wishing I hadn't. 'The carehome had been under a lot of stress which had been building up over a few years, no one actually knows the reason that triggered the event, but something had and it lead to one of the worst killings in history'
'K-killings?' I stutter, the children were killed? By who?
'Yes, the children turned on one another, it was every man for himself, they killed other children and the workers and visitors who present that day, there was no stopping them, they stabbed, burned, ripped, strangled everyone, no one defended anyone, no one escaped and no one took pity on anyone' Harvey explains, his eyes not wavering mine, holding nothing but truth in them.
'D-did anyone survive?' I ask, my heart beating faster out of shock.
'Only four out of the sixty' Harvey said, 'One was a coowner of the carehome, his business partner had died visiting that day, somehow he survived but no one knows how, another was a worker who had called in sick that day and came the next day when police and ambulances had closed the road and finally two children remained, one boy and one girl, they were the strangest'
'Strangest?' I ask
'Yes, they both came out with no scratches or bruises, not even one hair was out of place, the boy was calm and collected but the girl looked worried and scared, they looked as if they weren't there for the fight that brought an end to WestTown Carehome, police questioned them but they said nothing, the boy didn't look sad or scared but the girl was too scared to talk, one police officer who interviewed them both said that the boy gave him the creeps but he felt sympathetic for the girl' Harvey shudders as if remembering.
'Can you tell me their names?' I ask, these people might be beneficial in helping me find out about my past.
'Yes, the police officer still works in the police headquarters in this town, he has recently been upgraded to chief, his name is Tyler Blume' Harvey says, I nod as Peter hands me a piece of paper and a pen, I write down his name. 'Here, let me write down the names for you'
'Thank you' I nod, watching him neatly write things down before handing me the paper;
Poice Officer - Tyler Blume
CoOwner - Mathew Cross
Worker - Ray Sylvester
Boy - unknown
Girl - unknown
'You don't know who the children are?' I ask, Harvey shakes his head.
'From the fire that started during the fight, all documents were burned and they wouldn't speak during interviews or counselling sessions so we were unable to get their names and police didn't ask Mathew or Ray for their names either'
'Thank you for your help Harvey, I really appreciate it' I smile as he stands up, the rain has died down to a soft pitter-patter which is barely audible against Peter's double glazed windows.
'That's alright, feel free to contact me if you have any more questions' he smiles, shaking Peter and I's hand before leaving.
'Did that help?' Peter asks, I nod.
'Thank you for calling me' I smile as I sit back down on the sofa, 'I really should be going'
'Yes but do you know what you're going to do now?' Peter asks, I hesitate before nodding.
'I will have to wait until the weekend but on Saturday, I want to talk to Tyler Blume, the police officer, maybe he can give me more information' I say.
Peter sighs, 'Anna, is it just me who has a feeling that the only boy who survived that gruesome fight is unknown number?'
'I thought of that too, but I don't understand why he would be doing this' I frown, 'He already told me that I had only been in that carehome for two years, meaning I went in at the age of eight and left at ten, but where was I before that? Why don't I remember?'
'Anna, there's something else that I have realised' Peter says, staring at me with wide eyes.
'I know, I'm thinking the same thing' I nod slowly
'You're the girl that survived' he said, I nod again in agreement.
COMMENT&VOTE what do you think is going to happen?

Mystery / ThrillerHe's dangerous He's intelligent He's ruthless He's sexy He's... a beast --- 'You must not go looking for him Annalise, he must never find you, you don't understand what he's capable of... he's a beast' 'You cannot change...