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Mathew Cross' POV

'Hello... Mathew Cross' his voice is deep and calm, my eyebrows raise in surprise, I didn't think that he knew who kidnapped Peter and Annalise, I wonder how he guessed.

'I knew you were intelligent enough to know it was me' I lie to him, 'But now let's really test your intelligence and emotions'

'Emotions?' he asks, I scoff, I know he doesn't have any emotions, he's always so calm and monotone, ever since he was a child.

'Grab a pen and write this down' I tell him, I wait for a few seconds but I can't hear any movement on the other end, does he already have a pen? I continue 'Go to West Close where WestTown Care home is, two roads down there should be a road called Chestnut Road, it's a road lined with warehouses, go to the last one, it's abandoned, I will call you in two hours when I expect you to be there' I explain, I wait for him to reply but he hangs up instead.

I frown in annoyance before shrugging slightly, I stand up, leaning on my cane for support. I've had this cane for a few years now, it's black and has a round gold handle with my initials on it, it was very expensive. My cane hits the wooden floor roughly every time I lean on it, I pull open the door of my office to see one of my men standing outside, he turns to look at me.

'Is everything ready?' I ask him, he nods.

'Yes sir, I have sent two other men to set up the abandoned warehouse, I received a call from them just fifteen minutes ago, telling me that everything is ready' he explains.

'Okay, tell them to leave in an hour and half, I don't want them to be there when he arrives' I tell him, he nods again and walks away to make the phone call. I turn back into my office and close the door, now we just have to wait.


I stare at the clock, just one more minute to go before it has been exactly two hours since I've called him, the man outside informed me half an hour ago that my men had left the abandoned warehouse and that everything was set up and ready. I spent the two hours enjoying my lunch as I thought about how everything was going to play out, he has fallen right into my trap, it turns out he's not as intelligent as I thought he was. I smile, in my old age I can now play mind games with him, after watching him play mind games with the other children in the care home and murder Annalise's family and friends, he clearly wasn't expecting me to ruin his plans.

I pick up my phone after the final minute passes, it's been two hours. I dial the same number and hold it up to my ear, trying to hide my excitement. It rings for quite a while and just as I think the he's not going to pick up, I hear his voice come through the phone 'Hello'

'Have you arrived at the warehouse?' I ask, biting back a smirk.


'Excellent, don't move just yet' I warn him, 'When I tell you to, go into the abandoned warehouse, don't go upstairs or into any of the rooms, just keep walking through it until you reach a door that has a fire exit sign on top of it, go through it and it will lead you out of the back of the warehouse, several meters outside you will see two small white buildings sitting opposite each other, this is where it gets fun'

He doesn't reply so I continue explaining what I want him to do, 'In one of the buildings you will find Peter, he's tied to a table and there is a blade suspended from the ceiling above him, it's set on a timer of twenty seconds, you can stop the timer by typing in the passcode, it's one, two, three, four... simple' I shrug a shoulder as my smirk grows, 'In the other building is Annalise, she is tied to a chair with a bomb strapped to her, it has a timer set on it to twenty seconds, to disable the bomb you will have to type the passcode into the keypad, again it's one, two, three, four... When you stand facing the building, the one on your left has Peter and the one on your right has Annalise, I already know which one you're going to choose but it will be interesting to see if you make it in time'

There is a few seconds of silence, 'Is that it?' he finally speaks.

I scoff loudly 'You sound as if I've asked you to do the simplest of tasks, did you not hear when I told you have twenty seconds, that's barely enough time to walk through the warehouse and to the buildings out back'

'I heard you' he replies, his voice still monotone and I can't sense a hint of panic or worry in it, this makes me frown, fool.

'Ok' I shrug, leaning forward to stare at my computer screen, 'I will press the button on my computer which will start the timers for both Peter and Annalise, you will have twenty seconds to go through the warehouse and out to the back and pick a building and type in the passcode, if you run you might be able to complete everything with a couple of seconds to spare, but remember if you pick Annalise but you don't disable the bomb in time then you will also be in the explosion'

I click the mouse at the same time that I speak to him 'Go'

'Don't hang up' he says quickly, I raise an eyebrow as the timer on my computer starts, 'I want to describe everything to you' he says, I frown.

'What are you talking about?'

I then hear his footsteps, they seem to be going slow, why isn't he running? I hear his voice 'I am walking to the warehouse' the sound of a door being opened is heard and I know that's he's in the warehouse, his footsteps are louder now because they're echoing round the empty warehouse but they're not faster, I watch the numbers on the computer go down, then the sound of another door opening is heard through the phone before wind crackles through it 'I can see the buildings' he tells me.

'You have ten seconds left, if you continue to walk slowly then you want have time to save either of them, you've already wasted ten seconds' I tell him.

'I am walking towards one of the buildings, it's a bit chilly outside don't you think?' his voice is oddly calm, is he seriously talking about the weather right now, I watch the timer on my computer go down to single figures.

'Which building did you choose? the building on your right? Annalise?' I ask, already knowing that it's the one he will choose.

'You will know in a few seconds, if you hear an explosion then you know I have picked Peter to save and if you don't then you know I have picked Annalise to save' he tells me, I roll my eyes.

'You have five seconds left' I tell him, I smile, what a fool, he doesn't know what he has gotten himself into. It turns out he's not that intelligent after all, I bite down on my lip, holding the cane tighter in my hand as I try to stop myself from laughing out loud, he believed everything I told him, what a fool.

'I have just entered the building, I am now walking inside to find the person I have chosen, are you excited to know who it is?' he asks, I smirk, fool.

Five... Four... Three... Two... One.

My eyes widen in shock as the sudden loud noise of an explosion makes me jump as I pull the phone away from my ear, but I can still hear it. Then there's silence, the crackle of flames can be faintly heard from the telephone.

I grin, a chuckle escaping through my lips as I put the phone back to my ear listening to the fire, maybe I should have put cameras in the warehouse to watch it all play out, too late now, but at least I got to hear it all, 'Fool' I say loudly, already knowing there is no one on the other end of the phone to hear me.


Were you guys expecting that? What do you guys think of Mathew Cross' plan to get BEAST killed? Did you think he was going to choose Peter or Annalise? WHAT DO YOU THINK IS GOING TO HAPPEN IN THE NEXT CHAPTER? COMMENT&VOTE

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