His Mother

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Annalise's POV

I stand in front of the bathroom mirror, dressed in my baby blue pyjamas and brushing my teeth, it's everyone's bedtime in the care home and all of the kids are getting ready for bed. I jump slightly as the bathroom door opens and he walks in, just over his shoulder I can see a couple of other kids outside the bathroom, waiting to come in and brush their teeth. 

'Have you finished?' he asks, standing in front of me after closing the door, I nod. He reaches his hand up and grabs the end of my toothbrush, pulling it out of my mouth, I look at him in surprise. He doesn't break eye contact with me as he opens his mouth and puts the toothbrush that I was just using into his mouth and starts to brush his teeth with it. 

A frown appears on my face as I try and talk whilst my mouth is still full of toothpaste 'Ew, th-that's disgusting' I say but it comes out rather muffled. He doesn't reply as he finishes brushing his teeth before he bends down and spits into the sink, turning on the tap to wash the toothbrush and rinse his mouth before standing up straight again. 

'Hurry up, the other kids are waiting' he turns and exits the bathroom. I quickly rinse my mouth and leave so that the other kids can go in. 

A care worker stands in the hallway 'Annalise, have you brushed your teeth?' she asks, I nod 'Good, let's get you to bed' She grabs my hand and I follow her down the hall before we stop in front of my room, she pushes open the door. 

'But I don't want to sleep in my room' I whine, looking up at her with a pout.

'Annalise' she looks down at me with a firm tone 'You have to start sleeping in your own room, you're a big girl now and you can't keep sleeping with him'

'But-' I begin but she drags me into the room, pulling back the duvet on my bed.

'Climb in' she says, I reluctantly climb into the bed and lay down, she tucks the duvet in around me, I try and argue with her again but she just ignores me, 'Good night' she calls out before shutting my bedroom door. I lay silently and stare up at the ceiling as tears well up in my eyes, I'm not used to sleeping alone and I don't like it. 

A while later my bedroom door creaks open and I sit up to see him standing in the door way 'Annalise baby, come with me' he says, I immediately jump out of bed and run over to him.

'I-I told her that I didn't w-want to sleep in my room, I-I said that I want to s-sleep with you' I cry, sniffling into hid neck as I hugged him tightly, he rubs my back. Closing my door, I follow him to his bedroom and climb into his bed with him. I snuggle up to his chest as he wraps his arms around me 'I love you' I whisper, he smiles and kisses my forehead. 

'I will always love you, my Annalise' he says back.

I woke up feeling rather sad, I bury my face in the pillow as a tear escapes my eye and soon many more tears follow, before I begin sobbing into my pillow. I feel more than sad... heartbroken, I want to see him, I want to remember everything, I don't care about anything else, I just want to be with him. 

A thought suddenly occurs to me... I want him to stop killing the people I love, but if he told me the reason to why he's killing them and I understood that reason, would I then want to stop him from killing people? What if we were ever in a situation where he had to kill or be killed? Would I be more upset about someone I have known for most of my life and who I can remember being killed or would I be more upset if he died, someone who I know I spent some time of my life with but I can't really remember it. 

I begin to cry harder as I realise that I don't actually know the answer to that question. 

It's around midday when I finally come out of the room, my eyes red and puffy from crying. The flat is quiet, Ray is at work and I am the only one who is home so I head into the kitchen to make myself a sandwich to eat in front of the TV.

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