Secrets of WestTown

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Ray's POV

I sit at my desk in my home office, the box that I recovered from the care home sat in front of me along with the letter that was sent to me by Mathew Cross. As I force open the box which if a bit stiff and dirty, I can see the three items that had been mentioned in the letter. A gun was the first thing that I could see, beside it a small gold key, both of which were sat on top of a slightly worn out map. I pull each item out carefully and lay them out on my desk, first I slowly unfold the map and lay it out on my desk, it's a map of a town which is quite far from here: Dengrove. 

One of the houses in Dengrove is marked with a red cross, is this where he wants me to go? Why? What's in the house? At the bottom of the map there is something handwritten 'Password: WestTown Care home' my eyebrows pull together in confusion, what do I need this password for?


I park my car just in front of the house, it was a long hour and a half's drive to Dengrove and I had to take a short break on the way but now I have arrived at the marked house on the map, I look down at it to double check before looking back up at the house. It's a large building with an old fashioned look to it, just like the other houses on this street. I grab the box of things and get out of my car, locking it behind me. It's a quiet residential road, there were a lot of cars parked down the street but not a lot of people outside. 

I walk up to the front door, hesitating slightly before bringing my hand up and knocking loudly on the thick wooden door. I stand patiently, occasionally glancing behind me as I start to feel nervous, I have no idea what or who is behind this door, I don't even know why I am here. Just as I am about to knock again, the door is slowly pulled open to reveal a man who looks to be in his early sixties. 

He looks me up and down before speaking 'Who are you?' 

'Um, well' I hesitate, a part of me questioning if I should have come in the first place, 'I was sent here' 

'Sent here?' he frowns in confusion before looking down at the box in my hand, a moment of recognition flashes in his brown eyes, his snaps back up to look at me 'What's the password?' 

I raise my eyebrows, slightly surprised by the question 'WestTown Care home' 

A small smile tugs at the man's lips as he pulls the door open wider and steps aside to let me in, I walk in slowly looking around at the old fashioned decor, the house has a cosy feel but it looks rather lonely as well, I think he may live here by himself. 'I have been waiting for you, Mathew Cross sent you here, am I correct?' he asks, I nod. 

I follow him into his living room and take a seat on the comfortable sofa, he sits on the armchair opposite me, a smile spread across his face, I carefully set the box down on his coffee table. 'So um, why am I here?' 

He sighs 'you're here to finish everything, to close the book as they say, you're the last piece that finishes the puzzle'

'What does that mean?' I frown, confused.

'It means there is something that you must do before you die' he says, no longer smiling which gives him quite an intimidating look. 'My name is Rex Wilson and I work alongside Mathew Cross, we have been working together for years in WestTown care home' 

'Really? I don't remember ever seeing you' 

'I never visited the care home, I was simply the mastermind behind it' he explains. 

'The mastermind? What does that mean?' I ask

He sighs again 'There is something about WestTown care home that you don't know, in fact none of the staff who worked in the care home with the children knew, the children themselves were aware of what was happening in the care home of course, but I can tell you now it wasn't all it appeared to be. You probably thought it was just your average care home which took in orphaned children and helped them find a family, but that's not really what happened, it was a much more dangerous place'

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