Third suspect

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Officer Jones' POV

I jump sightly as a knock sounds on my door 'Come in' I call out, looking up to see Leroy enter holding a large file, he closes the door behind him and takes a seat opposite my desk 'Yes?' I ask

'Ever since our last meeting I've been doing as much research as I can and my hard work has finally paid off' he exclaims, a rare smile spreading across his face as he hands me the file, I raise an eyebrow in interest, waiting for him to continue. 'I have narrowed it down to three main suspects' 

'Really? How did you do that?' I flick through the file eagerly

'I had a long list of everyone that Ray knew, Annalise's parents knew, all of the children that were at the care home and all of the staff, and Annalise's friends' he begins, I nod 'Then I started narrowing the list down, I ruled out those who are very distantly related, I ruled out friends that they hadn't had contact with in a long time, I ruled out people that lived too far away etc until I was only left with a few'

'That's rather impressive' I nod my head 'This is why you're the best detective on the force'

Leroy continues, 'Once I had a handful of suspects I began researching them all individually, I wanted to see if any of them had a motive for these crimes until I was left with three suspects, and I am almost certain one of them is the person we're looking for, the 'he' that Annalise and Ray kept referring to' 

'Who are the suspects?' I ask, entwining my fingers and leaning forward more on my desk. 

Leroy holds up a piece of paper with a picture of a young boy, he has sandy blonde hair and light brown eyes 'This is my first suspect, he attends that same school as Annalise and is rumoured to have had a crush on her for years but never plucked up the courage to do so, everyone describes him as very introverted person who doesn't have many friends, he's not doing very well in school and is barely passing his courses'

'You suspect him?' I ask

He nods 'Yes, I spoke with his mother and she says that he has been acting very strange lately, when I asked if she knew why she suspected that he was plucking up the courage to ask Annalise out on a date, I began thinking that if he keeps to himself then no one would have a reason to suspect him of a crime as they don't know much about him, it may also mean that they trust him and he therefore has access to places other students may not have, and if he's been acting strange lately in order to get to Annalise, he may be killing people off so that he can turn up as her knight in shining armour and she will fall for him' 

'That sounds a little like the plot of a movie' I smirk but Leroy just glares at me. 

He then holds up a second piece of paper, there's a picture of another guy, he was rather skinny with brown hair that fell messily over his pale green eyes, 'This is suspect number two, he is the son of what used to be one of Ray's closest female friends, Ray and this boy's mother are no longer friends, they had a bitter dispute a few years ago where Ray insulted her and her son and from that point forward the boy and his mother have hated Ray, my research revealed that Ray used to tell the boy stories about the care home and about Annalise, he told the boy about the fight that broke out and how there were two survivors, I think that the boy is still angry at Ray and has decided to take out his anger on Annalise, the girl who Ray always used to talk to him about by killing those close to her, some form of sick revenge' 

I nod in agreement, that could make sense, Leroy holds up the last piece of paper, 'The third and final suspect, but I think this may be the guy we're after' I stare at the picture of the boy, only the top half of him is visible, he is sat sideways but with his head turned to the camera, his face was straight and gave away no emotion. The boy looks very young with chocolate brown hair and the most piercing green eyes I have ever seen.

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