Two Gunshots

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Annalise's POV

It's been a few weeks since I have been staying with Peter, I've been having memories in my dreams every night since I have been staying with him but they stopped a couple of nights ago and I realised that I have now regained all of my memories, I remember everything that a normal child remembers and I remember everything from the care home. Most importantly, I remember him and now I understand him better. 

But I do feel slightly different, I don't quite feel like myself, I feel as if I'm a slightly different person, not completely but almost as if there are two sides to me. I was scared when I first felt like this, it was when I had finally regained all my memories but after spending the past two days thinking about it I have realised that I have actually just gone back to being my old self, the me that I was when I was with him in the care home, I realised that I had actually changed after I lost all of my memories and that now I'm just me again. But it's strange, I feel less emotional and more cold, almost like him. I still care about people but just a bit less than I used to, it's very strange. 

I had spent the morning shopping as I had gotten bored of being locked up in Peter's house all day and then I returned home to put the bags down before deciding to go back out to eat again, Peter finishes work late today. It's now late in the evening and getting dark, the street lights have turned on and I am walking back to Peter's house, as I have just finished eating. 

My thoughts begin to drift to Peter, I still don't want him to be harmed, maybe I should run away? Not live with him anymore? I quickly shake my head at the thought, that's a pointless idea, even I I do live in a hotel or somewhere he will still kill Peter, whether I'm there or not, he is still going to kill him. 

My imagination begins to wonder as I start nearing the road that Peter lives down, what if I get home and Peter's already dead? I've been living with him for almost a month now, is that long enough or him? Is he going to keep him alive for much longer? What am I going to do if he already has killed Peter? Where will I stay? I have no money to stay in a hotel, will I have to be homeless? Will he take me with him? What if I get to Peter's house and BEAST is there? I gasp as a thought come to me, what if I get to Peter's house and I walk in on BEAST about to kill him? What would I do? Would I stop him? But even if I did stop him, I'm sure that he would return another time when I'm not there to kill Peter? What if Peter had the upper hand and was about to kill him? Would I stop Peter? Would I have to choose between them and kill one of them? I already made it clear that I would always choose BEAST but could I actually carry out an act of murder and Peter for him? I don't know, but I think so.

'ANNALISE STOP' a sudden shouts can be heard over the few cars on the road, people rushing home after a long day at work. Confused, I turn around to see who is calling my name, my eyes widen and I gasp as I see two figures walking towards me. Officer Jones and a young guy that I vaguely remember meeting at the front desk of the police station when I went with Ray, he was very polite and rather good looking too. 'STOP' Officer Jones' voice shouts again. 

That's when it dawns on me, oh no! They've found me, did a member of the public tip them off or is this coincidental? They have been searching for me ever since I ran away with Ray and now they have finally found me, no, I don't want to be arrested, I don't want to answer all their questions and have no idea what they're going to do with me.

So I turn and run. Run fast. I can't run to Peter's house, then they will know where I am and it will get Peter in trouble too, no I have to lose them. Outrun them. 'ANNALISE STOP' her loud voice calls out again, I glance over my shoulder to see them both running after me, I push myself harder, running faster. I start to lose where I am, I don't know these streets well, even if I do lose them, I might run into them again trying to find my way back to Peter's house. I can hear their footsteps pounding behind me, they're getting closer, as I turn down a quiet residential road, where am I going to go from here? I have to hide somewhere. 

I look over my shoulder again to see how far they have caught up with me, but I almost trip over my own feet at what I see, Officer Jones has pulled out her gun from its holder in the waistband of her trousers, she wouldn't actually use it would she? I think she may just be trying to scare me with it. Following her actions, the front desk guy also starts pulling his gun out too, they both have guns? I turn to face the front, almost throwing my body forward as I try to lose them, they say you shouldn't run in a straight line right? But that's only if someone is shooting at you, and they are not shooting at me, if I zig-zag now it will take up more time and they might catch up with me. 

I skid down an alley way, it's darker here as there are no street lights, should I call Peter? He might still be at work, if he's not he can drive over and pick me up, but then they'll know his car and license plate and he will be in trouble. Should I knock on a strangers house? No, they'll think I'm some type of criminal who is on the run from the police, am I? Maybe. 

I rack my brain for ideas as I can still hear them behind me, catching up, what should I do? No, I'm asking myself the wrong question... what would HE do? What would BEAST do? Would he run too? No, he probably has his own weapon and would probably kill them, but I don't. He would try and lose them too, hide in a dark part of the alley way or in the garden of one of the houses. 

'ANNALISE, WE'RE NOT GOING TO SHOOT YOU, WE'RE NOT GOING TO HARM YOU, JUST STOP RUNNING, IT'S FOR YOUR OWN BENEFIT' Officer Jones' voice shouts again, but I don't listen to her, I can barely hear her over the blood rushing in my ears, they heavy pants from my mouth and the beating of my heart in my chest. I'm sweating, not because I'm too hot but because I'm nervous, not scared, nervous. 

Despite Officer Jones shouting loudly I feel as if I can barely hear her over my own thoughts, but one thing that I do hear loud and clear despite the noise itself being rather quiet is the clicking of a safety of a gun being removed. They're going to shoot me? I thought she said she wouldn't, will she kill me or just wound me to stop me from running? Or maybe she's just trying to scare me again. I don't know why I can hear the clicking sound so clearly, maybe it's because my running has slowed down or maybe it's because I have reached a dead end. Maybe it's because I have realised that this alleyway doesn't lead to anywhere, a large brick wall stops me from going anywhere, it's a dead end. 

I don't know why I haven't stopped running, I have slowed down but not stopped, maybe my body is still trying to get away even though my eyes are fixed on the wall coming up several meters in front of me, maybe I won't stop until I reach the wall. Well now I know that they won't shoot me, there's no point, the wall means it's a dead end, they have me trapped and they know I can't escape easily, they won't shoot now. 

But suddenly, I hear it... the sounds are louder than the clicking of the safety that I heard earlier and even louder than Officer Jones' shouting that I heard earlier. Two loud bangs pierce the night air, two gunshots. Did they both shoot? Why? They have me cornered, I have nowhere to go, why would they both shoot. Maybe I imagined the sound, but I know this is not true as pretty soon I make harsh impact, not with the wall, but with the floor. I fall hard, landing on my knees before falling face first onto the hard and cold ground, lying still as pain courses through my body, my breathing is still hard and my eyes are wide open, staring at the wall just one meter away from me. I didn't imagine, I heard them clearly, two gunshots. 


Two updates in one day! But a cliffhanger ending! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, let me know what you think, what's going to happen next? Also, please read my new book Crazy Town, if you like this story then I hope that you will also like Crazy Town, there are a few similarities. Let me know what you think of Crazy Town too! COMMENT&VOTE.

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