A Camera

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Annalise's POV

I lay on my back staring up at the plain white ceiling above me, I don't how long it has been since they've kidnapped me but I assume that it has been a couple of days, I wonder what Peter is doing or thinking? Is he still alive or has he been killed? Did HE take the opportunity to kill him whilst I've been locked in this room? I still have no idea who kidnapped me and I still haven't been able to guess.

I sit up and look around the bedroom that they have locked me in, it was clearly used at some point as someone's belongings are still here. The walls are a boring white and chipping slightly, the bed is uncomfortable and there is a large wardrobe and desk at the foot of the bed. I walk over to the desk, I may as well explore whilst I'm here, I open the drawers, only finding a few pencils and sheets of paper with writing on it, nothing interesting. 

I open the wardrobe to see a few items of clothing hanging up and a lot of bags at the bottom, the clothes look dirty and old so instead I decide to look through the bags that are thrown into a pile at the bottom of the wardrobe. Opening the first one, I find a pair of old shoes that have clearly been worn numerous times, I push the bag aside and open the next one.

After looking through all of the bags and finding nothing interesting, I sigh, I begin pushing the bags back into the wardrobe. But as I throw one of the bags back into the wardrobe it hits another bag in the far corner which moves out of the way to reveal something behind it, I frown and reach into the wardrobe and move the bags away. A camera. 

I pull it out and turn it on, it still has battery life and watch as the screen illuminates as it turns on. I click not he buttons and select the gallery option to find that the camera is full with photos and videos. Standing up I quickly throw all the bags back into the wardrobe and close the wardrobe doors, moving to sit on the bed with the camera. 

I begin to scroll through the camera, there are photos of different children all staring at the camera, I scroll through them before stopping at one, it's me. I am facing the camera and have a small smile on my face, my hair is tied back into a neat ponytail and I'm wearing a plain black top. I stare at it, making eye contact with my younger self through the camera screen. I click on the button to go to the next picture, it's him. The same picture that I have seen before, taken in the care home. This must be the camera they used to take pictures of all the children who went to the care home. The next picture was all the children of the care home standing in rows, I've seen this one before. 

I keep scrolling, there's pictures of the care home's interior and all of the different rooms, pictures of the care home's staff. I recognise Ray in one of the pictures and sigh. I move on to the videos instead, I press play and the first video loads, someone is recording a little boy, I don't recognise the boy, 'Go on' the man recording tells the boy from behind the camera where I can't see him, the boy nods slowly and opens a door and steps inside, the camera man follows him in. 

Instantly I realise what's going on in this video, they're recording one of the experiments that were conducted on the children in the care home. The room is dark so all I can see is black as the door closes behind them, suddenly a light in the far corner of the room turns on and there stands a clown. Not an ordinary clown, a terrifying looking one, it stands in the far corner of the room holding a red balloon, it's clothes are covered in blood as it grins manically at the boy who I can kind of see now because of the light. 

'Hello little boy' the clown giggles, 'Tell me, what's your biggest fear?' 

Tears glimmer in the faint light as they fall down the boy's cheeks, he begins sobbing, 'C-clowns' he cries, looking around the room, I guess he can't see the camera man as the rest of the room is very dark. 

The clown giggles again 'You're scared of clowns? Don't be scared clowns can help you' 

The boy frantically begins shaking his head as the clown takes a step towards him, his sobs turn into screams as he cries harder, repeating the word 'no' over and over again as the clown walks closer to him. 

'Clowns can help you, we can help you laugh, we can help you make balloon animals, we can even help you fly' the clown giggles, 'Do you want to fly? I can show you how, I can tie balloons to you and make you fly' 

The clown stops directly in front of the boy, he reaches out, the balloon in the boys face, he grabs the string and ties the ballon around the boy's neck, it doesn't look tight enough to hurt him but it's still creepy either way. The boy cries as the door is opened and the clown walks away, 'This experiment is over' someone walks in, grabbing the boys hand and leading him out after untying the balloon from around his neck. 

I sigh and skip a few videos before playing another, this time I recognise the boy, his piercing green eyes stare down the camera lens 'go in' the same voice says, he turns and opens the door and walks inside, again it's dark inside. He walks further into the room as the lights turn on dimly, there are people laying all over the floor covered in blood, some look dead and others are groaning and moving slightly, he looks around, his face emotionless. 

One of the women laying on the floor reaches forward and grabs his ankle, he looks down at her as she coughs, 'Help m-me, please h-help me' she chokes, gasping as she stares up at him. He stares back down at her, his face still emotionless. He pulls his ankle away from her grip and walks closer to her, is he going to help her? 

'Is this a gunshot wound?' he asks, speaking slowly.

She nods, 'h-help me' 

He lifts his foot up slowly and brings it over her body, she watches him, he then brings his foot down to rest over the wound, he stares at her and doesn't break eye contact, suddenly he applies pressure onto the wound, digging his foot harder into her ribs before standing on top of the woman, she gasps in pain, pushing him off. 

He stares at her 'You're not very good at acting' he shrugs a shoulder, that's when the door opens and a man enters, announcing that the experiment is over. The video ends. I know now that those experiments were only actors and that the injured people weren't real, but the children didn't know that, it looked realistic and the experiments would often be the children's fears brought to life. But seeing him looking so emotionless, trying to hurt someone who was trying to make him think that she had been shot, it fascinated me, does he truly not care for the life of others? From what I have scene, from the amount of people he has killed, it seems as if he doesn't, so then why does he care so much about me? Why does he not see me the same way he sees everyone else and just kill me? What makes me so special? I don't understand. 


I hope you have enjoyed this chapter, I know it has taken me a while to update but I promise the next chapter will be uploaded very soon. COMMENT&VOTE.

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