A memory

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Annalise's POV

I sit with my legs crossed on Peter's living room floor, my elbow on his coffee table and my chin leaning on the palm of my hand, Peter sits opposite me on the sofa his legs apart and elbows resting on his knees as he leans forward, several pieces of paper are spread out on the coffee table along side two half empty and now cold mugs of coffee.

For the past hour and a half we have written down the detail of everything that has happened and are trying to find a pattern in the people he is targeting. 'So... so far it's clearly established that he is targeting those who are close to you, but not necessarily people he knows' Peter says, I nod.

'We just have to try and guess who the next victim is going to be and try and stop him before anyone else dies' I say, he nods.

'Well we can probably assumes that Ray will be killed' Peter gulps 'and me' 

I frown, 'Also, seeing as he killed Ellie's mum then it might mean that he plans to kill Clara's mum too... but who is next on his list?'

'Maybe there's other people that we don't know that he plans to kill' Peter shrugs

'We need to find out the reason why he's killing them, that way we will know who his next target is' I tell him, we both sigh.

'Let's assume that his next victim is going to be Clara's mum' Peter states, I raise an eyebrow 

'Why? Because he killed Ellie's mum and so she's going to be next? What if he chooses to kill someone else before Clara's mum?' I flick through the pieces of paper littering the coffee table. 

'I doubt so, I think his next victim will be Clara's mum' Peter shakes his head. We both jump suddenly at the sound of Peter's letterbox opening and then slamming shut. We stare at each other for a couple of seconds 'That's weird, the postman only comes in the early morning' he says

In a matter of seconds we're both up and running into the hallway and to his front door where a plain white envelope lays on the floor, Peter picks it up 'There's nothing written on it, no name or address' 

He pulls open the front door and we both peer outside but the hallway is silent and empty 'That means it was posted by hand... do you think it was him?' I ask, watching as he closes and locks the front door again, he nods. 

We walk back to the living room as Peter tears open the letter, pulling out the piece of paper inside it and unfolding it, he reads it before handing it over to me 'Yes, it's from him' 

"You're right... my next victim is Clara's mother - BEAST"

I frown 'Looks like he has cameras in your apartment too, he has them in Ray's apartment, I tried looking for them once but I couldn't find them' I sigh, dropping the letter on the desk.

'I don't understand why he would tell us who his next victim was, if he's trying to kill her then it would be easier for no one to know but now that we know we're going to try and stop him, how does he know we won't go to the police?' Peter rambles, his hands waving around in the air.

I simply shake my head, 'No he's a lot smarter than that Peter, he's a serial killer, he wants to the chase, he wants us to try and protect her so that if he still kills her he has proven how powerful and intelligent he is, it's a way to boost his own ego. Also he knows that we won't go to the police, we didn't go to them for anything else that occurred so what would make us go to them now? It will only get us in trouble for lying to the police' 

Peter leans back in his chair, as I rub my head which is hurting 'You know him so well for someone you can't even remember' he says.


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