Clara's Mother

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Ray's POV

I pick up the frying pan and pour the contents into two plates, using the wooden spoon to help me before dropping the pan into the sink, I pull a small vial from my pocket and empty the liquid onto the food on one of the plates, this plate is for Annalise. 

A sudden shiver runs down my spine and I begin to feel paranoid, is someone watching me? I turn around quickly thinking that maybe Annalise has woken up from her nap and saw me put something into her food but there's no one there. I sigh before trying to shake off the feeling of being watched, I pick up the two plates and move them to the island in the middle of the kitchen where there are stools.

Unknown POV

I walk down the hallway of Ray's flat silently and slip into the bedroom where I know my Annalise is sleeping, I walk over and slip in bed with her, she doesn't stir. I pull her closer by wrapping an arm around her waist and nuzzle my face into her warm neck, she lets out a barely audible groan. I trail soft kisses from behind her ear, down her neck and to her collar bone before kissing back up the same trail, she shifts a little in her sleep.

'Annalise' I coo in her ear, she doesn't respond so I repeat.

She shuffles, pulling her face away from me a bit to lie on her stomach, I smile pushing her t shirt to reveal her bare back, I rub it gently, squeezing her waist. 'Baby, are you hungry?' 

She mumbles something that I don't understand, letting out a sigh as I continue to rub her back 'You're not hungry are you baby? I don't think you're hungry, your stomach's not rumbling so you can't be hungry and when you wake up you won't be hungry' I whisper into her ear, her lips twitch slightly 'Tell me Annalise, are you hungry?' 

'No' she mumbles in her sleep 'I-I'm not h-hungry' 

'Good girl, you're not hungry and you won't be hungry when you wake up' I swing a leg over her and sit up so that I'm sitting on her butt. I bend down and kiss up her spine before biting the back of her neck, she shivers and lets out a small moan 'Good girl' 

I pull her top back downing climb off her, covering her back with the duvet, I smirk as I turn back to leave the bedroom quietly, Ray should be coming in anytime now.

Ray's POV

After placing the plates on the island table I began walking to the room where Annalise was sleeping in order to wake her up, hopefully when she eats the food that I made, she will forget about what she learned from the dreams and she will give up this stupid idea that she has about finding out who beast is, she doesn't need to know who he is, he is dangerous and is better off locked up. 

I knock loudly on the door but there's no answer, she's probably still asleep. I turn the handle and push open the door, peering in. Annalise lays on her front, her arms pushed under her pillow and her head turned to the side and she sleeps quietly. I walk further into the room to the bed before reaching out to her shoulder and gently shaking her 'Annalise... wake up'

She stirs and groans as I shake her shoulder again and call out her name 'Annalise wake up, it's time for lunch and if you sleep too much now then you won't be able to sleep tonight' 

She slowly sits up with a yawn, rubbing her eyes before staring at me 'Um.. I'm not hungry Ray' she speaks quietly before letting out another yawn. 

I furrow my eyebrows 'What are you talking about? You were complaining that you were hungry early this afternoon and I told you that you could take a nap whilst I prepared the food, what do you mean you're no longer hungry? Did you eat your pillow in your sleep or something?' 

She shrugs her shoulders 'I don't know Ray, I was hungry before I went to sleep but strangely I don't feel hungry anymore, it's as if I don't want to eat anything anymore' 

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