Author's note

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Dear readers,

First of all, I want to thank you for clicking on this story and deciding to read this story, that means a lot to me. If you like this story don't forget to add this story to your private library so you will be notified when I upload a new chapter. If you want to be notified of any upcoming stories after this one, feel free to follow me. Vote on your favorite chapters, to help me get this story out there for a lot of Wattpad readers. Feel free to comment on any of the chapters, and let me know what you think of it.

Second of all, I want to notify you that this story is set in America. I also want to warn you, I'm from the Netherlands, and therefore I do not always know how stuff works in America. I apologize for that.

As I already said, I'm dutch, meaning that English is not my first language. I try to write without any mistakes, but please notify me in a kind way when you notice one. I put a lot of attention and time into checking the chapters of mistakes, but I could've missed one. This is also the first story that I write in English.

I will update whenever I feel like it and I do not have a schedule. I plan on writing a lot, as my country is in lockdown right now, due to the coronavirus.

This story can contain mild swearing in some of the chapters. Some of the chapters also contain sexual content, mention of sex, and anything associated with it. Those chapters will be stated as 18+ at the start of those chapters.

Any hateful comment will be deleted. There is a huge difference between criticism and mean comments. If you do not like this story that's fine. Not everyone will like this story. Yet, there is no need to leave a mean comment. Just stop reading, and move on with your life.

All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced, displayed, modified, or distributed without the written permission of the copyright holder. For permission contact Josephineflorence on

Welcome to this story. Thank you for deciding to read it, and I hope you enjoy it.

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A story written with love,


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