Forty-three, Caine Williams

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"You have another fight tonight? Why didn't you tell me about it?" Her beautiful voice says with an annoyed tone through the phone, making a smirk appear on my lips as I continue to hear her expressing her annoyance. I can only imagine the annoyed look on her face right now.

It's the day after thanksgiving, meaning I have a fight tonight. It's supposed to be a pretty big fight, but it's nothing I can't handle. I didn't tell Mia how big the fight's going to be because she would only worry sick about me, and I want to spare her that kind of worry. I'll be perfectly fine. I only have to fight five fights tonight to win, but if I told her, she would still worry sick because she doesn't want me to get hurt.

It's pretty difficult not to get hurt in my world.

I know I shouldn't have dragged her into my world, but I'm one selfish motherfucker. My world is way too harsh for such an innocent girl, but I can't seem to let her go. There's something in the way her beautiful eyes look at me with a sparkle in it as a small smile touches her lips because she secretly likes my bad jokes that make me want to keep her around me. There's something in the way she throws her head back as an actual laugh leaves her mouth that makes me smile at the sight. There's something in the way she does everything that makes me want to keep her, even though it's selfish.

Her eyes were the first thing I noticed when I bumped into her. The ones she hates, the ones she always calls boring, normal, and grey. She wishes for any color, any other color than her own, but I love those grey mesmerizing eyes more than I will ever admit. They light up whenever she thinks about happy memories. They sparkle when she laughs out loud. They shine whenever she smiles at me. They narrow whenever she has a mischievous idea. They'd become dull and blurred when I would leave her. They would never be the same if I broke her heart.

I acknowledge that fact like it's the stone-cold reality. The hard truth is always a little voice in my head, reminding me every goddamn second of the day I should let her be while I still can without breaking her pure heart with my actions. I'm trying as hard as I can to keep her out of my world, but it's a difficult task.

I have to make sure no one from my world knows about her, but it's easier said than done.

"I thought I did, but I must have forgotten to mention it. It's not a big deal. It's just a regular fight, and I'll be fine. I'm fighting against some douche, who is pretty bad." I lie easily, making guilt appear in my stomach. I shouldn't lie to her, but I don't want her to worry about me.

"Normally, I'd drive to town to watch you fight, but we're making the house ready for visitors tonight. My parents hope they find a buyer quickly so we can move during Christmas break. They told my brothers last night during Thanksgiving dinner." She says with an enthusiastic tone in her voice, and I can't help but smile softly.

"I forgot to ask you. How was your thanksgiving? Mine was pretty nice. My mother made her famous dinner for us, and we watched a movie together." I say, remembering the delicious dinner my mother made.

"I spent a lot of time hanging out with my brothers since they're in town for the weekend. I don't know if I told you, but my brother brought his girlfriend home. She's really nice." She says through the phone as I move it to my other ear.

"Sounds nice. I'll talk to you later alright? I'm going to the gym with Cameron right now. I'll call you after my fight to tell you how it went." I say when I see Cameron's grey car enter the driveway.

"I have to go too because my brother is going to eat me alive if he finds out I've been talking to you on the phone. James was okay with us being friends, but Oliver has been playing the overprotective brother since your name was brought into the conversation. He doesn't want you anywhere near me." I frown deeply at what she says.

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