Sixty, First fight of the New Year

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"Ryan get the fuck back in the kitchen. I'm not asking nicely this time." I hear Emily yell extremely loudly. I bet our neighbors can hear her scream at the boy she's dating for stealing food from the kitchen island. Ryan always steals food when Emily's still preparing it, and she absolutely hates it. 

Obviously, he does it on purpose to fuck with her, and I have to admit, her reaction is kind of entertaining to watch. She gets all mad and annoyed by him, but a minute later, they're making out in the kitchen. That's literally how it goes every time he annoys her in the slightest. 

It's New Year's Eve today, and we thought it would be nice to spend it together. Emily made sure we have enough to eat, and the boys made sure we have enough liquor to consume. I provided the house as we're celebrating it at my place this time. My brothers are out with friends, and my parents are spending New Year's Eve with Emily's parents.

"What are they fighting about now?" Caine snuggles up behind me, wrapping his strong arms around my waist from behind me. He pulls me in his embrace as he starts to place soft kisses on my neck. A smile creeps onto my lips as I realize how lucky I am to have this boy around me. If there's one thing I never thought would happen, is me dating the most popular and dangerous guy from school. 

If I'm being completely honest, it's kind of cliché. 

"I think he stole her food again while she was preparing it. It's entertaining to see her reaction, you know, but I get how it can be utterly annoying. I would also scold my brothers for stealing food when I was preparing it. They would just shrug their shoulders and ask me what such a little girl like me was going to do about it." I say, smiling softly as I remember that exact day. 

"What did you do about it?" Caine whispers in my ear before biting my earlobe softly, making me let out a whimper. I could feel him smirk against my skin when he noticed what kind of effect he had on me. I could tell he loved how much effect and control he has over my body. 

"I threw a knife at their heads out of frustration. Luckily, it got stuck in the wall behind them, but I was grounded for two weeks. I would do it again if I could because it was absolutely worth it and their faces were priceless. " I say, making Caine look at me in surprise. 

"So, I'm dating a secret badass? I wasn't wrong when I said you surprise me every day over and over again. I can't believe you actually threw a knife at their heads. What was going through your mind when you did it?" Caine asks, amazed by the story. 

"I don't quite remember, but knowing myself, I was probably thinking how I could teach them a lesson. I was quite annoyed then, and I think that I thought throwing a knife would be a smart idea, and I did out of frustration." I say, turning around to face Caine. 

His eyes shine with adoration as they look at me. I lean closer and lock our lips together, removing the space between us. His hands let go of my waist and cup my cheeks as his lips kiss me back softly and harshly. 

He kisses me with dominance and adoration, making me feel alive. His tongue runs softly with mine, making fireworks explode in my stomach. His kisses never fail to amaze me and make me feel alive. I'm addicted to his lips and touch and the feeling they give me. His kisses make my head spin, and they disallow me to think clearly. 

I can't believe how much I love this boy. 

"I hate to interrupt this little moment, but I want to remind you can't fuck in the living room, and you can't also fuck right now. It's almost midnight." Cameron says, making me part myself from Caine.

"Seriously, dude. You have the worst timing ever." Caine hisses with an annoyed tone as he shoots Cameron an annoyed look. I chuckle softly and walk towards the kitchen. Emily gives the cake she baked a finishing touch before she takes it to the living room, where the rest of the food is standing on the big coffee table. 

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