Twenty-four, Patience is a virtue

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We're sitting down in the backyard, where the ceremony will begin any minute now. We're sitting on white chairs, which have been decorated on the back with a bouquet of daisies. I've been told that daisies are the favorite flowers of the bride and the groom, as he gave her a bouquet of daisies on their first date, which is absolutely romantic.

The venue also has been decorated with bouquets of daisies, and there are leaves of daisies on the ground. There's an arch of white roses above the altar, and the officiant is waiting for the bride and groom to arrive. Everyone else who has been invited to the wedding is also waiting for the ceremony to begin, and they're talking quietly with their neighbors to sit out the time.

"Like that, we meet again, my love." A voice whispers in my ear, and I look to my right to see Caine taking place right next to me. Great.

"Is there no place else you could sit?" I say annoyed by his presence. I don't say anything about his nicknames for me. If I say something about it, I will only give him the satisfaction of the fact it's irritating me, and I'm not feeling like giving that to him.

Gosh, why can't he just leave me alone?

"Well, all seats were already taken. I don't think the bride and groom would be too happy to have me sitting on the grass." He says as he looks around.

"Well, I wouldn't mind at all," I mumble more to myself than to Caine, but he hears it anyway. Sorry, not sorry. I still have no guilt feelings for all the insults I made about him.

"What happened to the sweet and nice girl you always were?" Caine says, giving me a playful wink. I frown my eyebrows deeply and wonder how I can get him to shut up.

"She disappeared the minute she realized what an asshole you were. Got to fight fire with fire, don't you think?" I say while I shrug my shoulders.

"Well, I'm not so sure. You're actually using my weapons and tactics to fight me." Caine says, looking around again.

"What can I say? I learned it from the best." I say, running my hand through my hair. Caine frowns as he looks at the end of the aisle.

"How long is it going to take for the ceremony to start?" Caine mumbles impatiently while he's still looking at the big mansion, where the bride and groom are right now.

"Patience is a virtue, Caine," I say, opening my little bag to search for my lipgloss and a little mirror. Caine shifts his attention to me again and smirks.

"It's rude to let your guests wait." He says as he takes his phone out of the pocket of his pants. He shifts his attention to his phone, answering some texts. Hopefully, he will leave me alone for the rest of the day.

"Well, you're practically their son then. You're always rude. Must be in the genes, right?" I say, smiling fakely at him. I'm just joking of course. I've met the bride and the groom once, and they're the sweetest people I've ever met. Caine gives me an annoyed look, giving me the idea he didn't like my comment.

Sorry not sorry, Caine.

"You know, rude doesn't suit you at all. You really should consider changing your personality back to the sweet, little girl you used to be. At least, she was boring and quiet." He says. An angry tone is clearly visible in his tone. There are the ticking time bomb and the asshole personality again.

Can't say I missed it.

"Well, I guess in this society being male and an asshole makes you worthy of our time," I say. I ignore his stupid comment. I wonder how he knew I was so quiet and sweet if he didn't even know who I was before we bumped into each other.

Yes, I used to be a sweet girl who helped everyone, but that doesn't mean I didn't have a rude side. It was always there, but there was no need to show it to other people. Caine is pressing my buttons and being an asshole all the time. A good reason to be rude.

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