Forty-eight, A mysterious caller

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"Alright, two beers and one Chardonnay for table four, and two sprites for table 12," Aivy says, putting her tray with empty glasses on the counter. I nod, removing the dirty glasses from the tray. I quickly grab two glasses for the two sodas and fill them with sprite. I grab to beer glasses and fill them with beer from the tap. I grab the bottle of Chardonnay from the wine cooler and open the bottle. I fill a wine glass with the Chardonnay, put all the drinks on a tray, and start washing the dirty glasses.

"Thanks. Did you already have a break yet? You've been working non-stop since this afternoon. You can take one in ten minutes if you want?" Aivy says before taking the tray and walking towards the right tables. Once I'm done cleaning the glasses, I grab a cloth to clean the counter to make sure everything is clean again.

The bell rings to let us know new customers have arrived. It was pretty quiet here at the beginning of the afternoon, but it's almost five o'clock, and more customers are starting to arrive. Some students from high school are hanging with friends here, and some college students are studying. There are also some families with little children, and some colleagues are having drinks together. It's starting to get pretty crowded in here, but it's one of the most popular cafes in the city right now. All these customers are really good for business.

A group of high school students enters the cafe, laughing and talking loudly as they make their way to the back of the cafe. I continue to clean the counter, and once I've finished, I grab a dishcloth to make the clean glasses dry again. I put the dry glasses back in the place where they belong, and check the time on my phone.

"Can I have four Coca-Cola and a sprite, please?" A familiar voice says, making me look at the familiar face with the pretty ice-blue eyes. Caine's smile softly as his arms leaning on the counter. He's wearing a pair of blue jeans and a white sweater, which makes his skin tone darker than it actually is.

"Sure. How are you? I heard you're fighting again tonight. I think I can manage to come to see you fighting tonight if you want?" I say, grabbing five glasses from the top shelf. Caine frowns, thinking about something. 

"Are you sure you want to come? I think it's going to be pretty rough tonight. Hard opponents and shit. How'd your chemistry test go, by the way?" He says, giving me a curious look as he watches me fill the glasses with sprite and Coca-Cola. 

"Pretty good. There were a couple of questions I didn't get, but I managed to formulate some kind of answer. It was a pretty hard test, to be honest. Thanks for helping me study, by the way. Your explanation about the last topic helped me a lot on the test." I say, giving him a thankful smile. 

"I'm sure you'll get a high grade. You studied so hard for this test. I don't think there's a possible way for you to fail it, except if you leave questions open on purpose. You don't have to thank me. Of course, I would help you study." He reassures me when he notices me being insecure about my test. 

"My shift is done in an hour, but I have a break in two minutes," I say, looking at the time on my phone. Aivy arrives at the counter and puts her tray on it. She sighs loudly out of frustration and shakes her head as I shoot her a curious look.

"I don't even know where to start. There's this boy who keeps bugging me around school, and it turns out he's in the cafe right now. It's such a creep. I already told him I'm not interested, but he doesn't get the message. He keeps following me around." She explains when she sees my curious look. 

I frown and look behind her to see the guy she's been talking about. I admit, he looks pretty weird and sketchy. His dirty blonde hair looks dirty and oily, and his goggles are too big for him. He has this creepy smirk on his face, and looking at him scares the shit out of him. 

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