Thirty-six, I hooked up with him

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Mention of sex and sexual content ahead. If you don't want to read it, you can skip the paragraph.

I groan loudly as I open my eyes, shutting them almost immediately again because I'm blinded by the light coming through the curtains. As I get up, I feel a huge headache appear, and I'm feeling enormously nauseous.

I look around, finding myself lying in a kingsized bed with white and dark grey covers. There's a window right next to the bed, and the curtains aren't closed properly, giving daylight access to light the room. There's a huge tv hanging on the wall across the bed, making it able to watch tv while lying in bed. Next to the tv is a small door, which probably leads to either the hallway or the bathroom.

I get up carefully, not feeling like throwing up everything I drank and ate last night. It's kind of like a blur what happened last night. I can remember talking about personal stuff with Caine and watching another race.

Somehow, I managed to get my hands on a bottle of liquor, and I drank at least half the bottle. I hope I didn't do anything embarrassing as I was so drunk last night. Gosh, I wonder how I'm supposed to work this morning when I have such a bad hangover. Better start apologizing to my dad for not being there on time.

What time is it anyway?

I grab my phone from the nightstand and notice it is already 11 a.m. while I should have been at the garage by nine. Better find a quick excuse for being late for work. I promised my dad I would seriously be on time today because I've been getting late to work for a couple of weeks now.

Once I get up, I notice I'm completely naked. I'm not even wearing lingerie or any underwear, and I have no idea what happened last night. The last thing I remember is whining over Cheetos with cheese flavor to Caine when he tried to bring me home.

Apparently, the plans changed because I'm completely naked in a strange room in another house.

I love myself when I'm drunk.

"Well, don't you look nice without any lingerie or clothes." A husky voice says softly. I quickly turn around, scared by hearing a voice behind me. A surprised expression crosses my face when I see the bare chest of Caine lying in the bed I slept in, and I quickly pull one of the blankets to cover myself.

"You don't need to cover yourself. It's nothing I didn't see last night. You really are secretly a naughty girl, Mia." He says, rubbing his eyes as he gets up from the bed. He's hinting about us hooking up last night, and my cheeks light up at the thought.

"What happened?" I say with a sleepy tone in my voice. Caine's walking towards his house with me in bridal style. He smiles softly as he looks down at me, climbing the stairs.

"You fell asleep when I was driving you home. I thought it was best to bring you here to sleep because I didn't want to wake you up to get your address. Emily didn't pick up the phone." He says, opening a door with his back.

"Thanks, I guess," I say as he puts me on his bed. It has dark grey with white covers and looks extremely soft. His room is pretty neat for a boy, but I notice some books and clothes on the floor.

"Alright, you can change yourself in the bathroom right there. There are clothes in my closet you can borrow. I'm going to tell my mom I'm sleeping in the guest room because I brought you here." He says, pointing at the small door next to the big tv hanging on the wall across the bed before leaving the room.

I get up carefully, not wanting to throw up on the clean rug on the floor. I open his black closet to search for something to sleep in. Some clothes fall out of his closet as Caine probably just threw them inside of his closet. I grab a clean shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants when I feel myself getting nauseous.

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