Forty-nine, Trouble looks hella fine

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"My shift ended a couple of minutes ago. Are you sure you can handle all of this on your own? I can work for another hour if you want me to." I suggest, looking at the crowded cafe. I shoot Aivy a questioning look, but she shakes her head. 

"No, it's fine. Marcus is going to be here in ten minutes. I'll be able to handle the crowd for ten minutes. Isn't Caine waiting for you outside?" Aivy says, smiling at me. I give her a skeptical look and take another glance at the crowd, not sure if I should leave Aivy alone to deal with this.

"Yeah, he is. I can just ask him to wait for half an hour. He said he needed to make a couple of calls anyway. He also asked if Jonah bothered you again? He mumbled something about getting back to him if he was." I mention, and Aivy gives me a content smile as she shakes her head. 

"No, he didn't. I think your friends were pretty clear the other day. He didn't even dare to look at me when I was at school today. He did have stitches, though." She says, her voice revealing the surprisingness and the disbelief. 

"That's good. Well, if you're sure you don't need another hand of help, I'll go outside. I'll see you on Thursday, right?" I say, grabbing my bag from the chair beside me. She nods in agreement and waves me goodbye as I leave the cafe. 

I walk outside and notice it's still snowing. The snowstorm passed our town for a couple of days, and it's now raging upwards. All schools were closed from Friday until Monday, but they were able to open today. I was able to work yesterday afternoon because the storm had passed.

Caine slept at my house Thursday and Friday night and left Saturday morning. Even though there was a snowstorm raging through town, he told me he needed to get home. I made him promise to call me when he got home before he left, and he did. 

I hope it keeps snowing until Christmas. I've always loved the idea of a white Christmas, but the last couple of years it didn't snow enough for a white Christmas. I can't believe Christmas is going to be in two weeks. I'm going to spend the vacation baking, reading, and catching up on a lot of sleep. 

Nevertheless, I don't get a lot of sleep on my own because the memories keep showing up in my dreams, turning them into scary nightmares. Luckily, I have one person who can keep the memories away from my dreams once I'm asleep. Caine fucking Williams is the only man who keeps my nightmares away from me. 

Such a blessing I can sleep over whenever I want. 

I notice Caine sitting on his black motorcycle, waiting for me. The way he sits on his motorcycle makes him look hella attractive and handsome. His arms are leaning on the handlebars, making his muscles tone in his leather jacket. He's wearing a white shirt, a black leather jacket, a pair of dark-colored jeans, and white sneakers. He's also wearing a helmet. He frowns deeply as he says something through the phone and runs his hand through his messy hair. 

When he notices me, he smiles softly, and I walk over to him. He ends his phone call quickly and puts his phone in the pocket of his leather jacket, making me frown deeply. I wonder if the phone call really ended so quickly, or if he ended it on purpose because he doesn't want to tell me. 

I realize it's none of my business, but I have a feeling he's hiding something big and dangerous from me. 

"Hey, how was your day? I feel like I haven't seen you all day, mon amour." He says, giving me an honest smile as his eyes shine with adoration. He grabs my face and places a soft kiss on my lips, making shivers run down my spine again. 

"My day was pretty great. I helped Coach Sanchez with field hockey practice because she had an appointment. She asked me if I could help out with practice more often. She still thinks I'm an asset to the team." I mention, smiling at the thoughts of somehow practicing field hockey again. It's one of the things I love but had to give up because of my injuries. 

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