Twenty-six, Heated discussion about the bet

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"We are meeting with them inside the big plaza, right? In front of Danny's pizza diner. I heard it's the best diner to get pizza in town, but I've never been there."Emily says, parking her grey car in an empty parking spot. 

"Yes, Cameron told us to meet the group there. I also heard it was the best diner for pizza in town, but I haven't been there either. I think my brother went once. He told me I should go once. He said, and I quote: "I've never tasted such a delicious pizza that reached the standards of my stomach." I say as I get out of the car, looking at the big plaza in front of me. I've only been a couple of times to this plaza. 

The plaza is big and full of light and excitement. It's crowded inside, and the laughter and chatter reach my ears. 

As we walk into the plaza, I look around, taking in my surroundings. The shops are filled with clothes and people. The restaurants are full of excitement and people eating. As I look at the shops around me, I notice a sign to a fair, which is right behind the plaza. 

"Em, there's a fair right behind the plaza. We should go after eating pizza with the boys." I say with an excited tone in my voice. I point at the sign I saw and give Emily a questioning look. I've been wanting to go to another fair since I was born, but there weren't any fairs to attend. 

This will be the first fair in ages again as the last fair was in 1984. Ever since the fairs have been canceled because of a financial problem back then, but now, they're coming back. Everyone is excited for this first one to be held again after 40 years. The fair is a try-out, and if the results are good, there might be coming more fairs in the future. 

"Yes, we definitely should. There hasn't been one in 40 years. This will be the first one we'll both attend." She says, almost jumping in the air out of excitement.  We have seen a couple of movies with fairs in them, but that's not the same thing as experiencing one in real life. 

We walk towards the diner where we're meeting with the boys. Jackson said he went for the first time when he was just a little kid, and he's been going to the diner for years. He told me it was his favorite restaurant when he was younger, and he always picked the place to have dinner there for his birthday. Cameron would choose the same restaurant to eat at for his birthday the next day. 

It's funny they told me the story because they're keeping their lives really private at school. They usually only to us during breaks and classes. For the rest, they only talk to each other, and besides chasing girls, they don't pay attention to the rest of the students. Their group is very close and private. 

I can see the four boys standing in front of a little diner, which is probably the famous diner they told us about. Actually, only Cameron and Jackson told us about the diner as they're the ones who picked the place. 

"There are the latecomers. Tell me, did you seriously have car trouble on the way here or is car trouble going to be the weak excuse for being late?" Cameron jokes, putting his hands in his pockets as he gives us a smirk. 

"No, of course not. That's the worst excuse I've ever heard in my entire life. I was going to use another if I had to come up with an excuse for being late, but I don't." Emily says, shrugging her shoulders as she gives the boys a sweet smile.

Behind her, I shake my head with a grin. Emily is a stone-cold liar if she wants to be one. She's the one who made us late because she was napping when she should've been getting ready, and when she was changing, she started to freak out about what to wear. 

"You're such a liar, Emily. You made us late, and you know it too." I say, punching her teasingly as she gives me a deadly glare. Unfortunately for her, I'm immune to her deadly glares, which would want to kill me if they could. 

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