Seventeen, Delighted conversations in the middle of a library

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"It sure is a big building," I say, looking up to the massive library standing in front of me. It's a huge grey and old building, and I recognize it has some architectural features of the Greek. The building also kind of looks like those huge French palaces built hundreds of years ago. I have never visited France in my entire life, but when I get one chance to fly there, I'd take it without thinking twice. I have always loved to go to France, and I always loved France itself.

The beautiful buildings, the little streets, the French food, the coffee, the clothing shops, and everything else about the city of love. I dream about staying in a hotel close to the Eiffel tower and I imagine looking at it at night when all the lights are on and the city is in complete silence. Maybe, I'll visit the city with Emily after graduation, during summer vacation. We've already made plans to travel together after graduation, but we still have to pick our destination.

"Yeah, it is. My neck hurts when I try to see the roof." Emily says, rubbing the back of her neck with her left hand while she has a painful look on her face. I close my eyes, smiling at her comment.

"No, that's not true. The back of your neck hurts because you slept in one position during the bus ride. You were actually very boring for once." I say, giving her an accusative look while I point at her.

"I can't help it. If school wouldn't have thought about leaving that early, I wouldn't have slept the whole ride. Don't give me that accusative look. Blame this one on the school." She says, shrugging her shoulder while she takes another look at the beautiful library. She holds her hand above her eyes to prevent the sunlight from blinding her.

"I already told you to sleep in earlier last night, but you were as stubborn as always. Now, I was bored the whole ride. Your fault." I say, crossing my arms. I look at her, and she gives me a frowning look.

"You do know you really sound like my mother right now, right?" She says, giving away a deep sigh. I raise my eyebrows and give her a disbelieving look. Wow, we're both in the mood of joking right now.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that stupid comment coming out of the mouth of my best friend," I say, looking away from her. I pay attention to Mrs. Leitner, who's been talking about this building for five extremely long minutes. No one is interested in the story of how this library came to be, except for Mrs. Leitner and a couple of other students. However, it is polite to pretend you're interested in a subject somebody is talking about. Nevertheless, I don't really feel like being polite today. I'm too cranky to pretend on this early Monday morning.

"Do these two boys in shining armor need to stop the fight between two beautiful princesses?" A voice jokingly says behind us. I take a look over my shoulder, seeing Ryan and Caine approaching us. I give Emily a secret wink and raise my eyebrows.

"I don't need a boy in shining armor. I desperately need some coffee and something to eat." Emily says, pouting. Her eyes do scream for a lot of coffee, as they seem to think it's three a.m. in the morning.

"I wonder where you're shining armor is. Has it somehow found a way to be invisible?" I say, giving them a questioning look. Caine gives Ryan also a questioning look, wondering about the same thing I wonder about.

"Those are little details, alright? We never focus on little details. Right, Caine?" Ryan says, shrugging his shoulders while he gives Caine a questioning look. Caine doesn't answer, leaving his friend alone with the utterly bad joke.

"Correction, you never focus on the details. I most certainly do because most of the time, details are really important." I say, and Emily chuckles a little. She places her hand in front of her mouth to prevent anyone from seeing her holding her laugh.

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