Fifty-five, A pleasant surprise

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Caine Williams

"Come on. Can't you give me one hint without ruining the surprise? I'm dying to know where we're going on this early morning because you woke me up at 8. You either want to have an exceptionally good surprise for me or have a pretty damn good reason to wake me up so early because I will kill you if you don't" She whines, still tired and all grumpy because I woke her up so early. 

I'm such a gentleman. 

What she doesn't know is that I'm taking her somewhere for her Christmas present. I was supposed to give it to her yesterday, but my plan didn't exactly work out how I wanted to because we woke up quite late, which is why I woke her up so early this morning. 

We're celebrating Christmas with the group tonight, and I wanted to give my present before tonight. I'm still surprised she gave me fucking customized boxing gloves and a customized sport set to work out in as a Christmas present. 

I'm so grateful for it, but I would have been fine with her laying on my chest at night. 

That's how head over heels I am with her. She knows how to satisfy me with only small things. Only seeing her beautiful smile makes my whole day. Every day I fall more in love with her.  Turns out there's a reason why they call it falling in love because when it happens, that's exactly how it feels like. There's no point in trying to counter it because it will still happen, even if you don't want to. All you can do is let go and hope there's someone down there to catch you. 

I've always hated the thought of falling in love with someone because they'll have power over you. They'll get the power to let you do anything for them, and it's terrifying. I've never liked someone to have control over who I am and what I do, but if she would get the control, I don't think I would mind at all. 

She is genuinely good, and I'm evil comparing to her. She is always nice to people, and she always is eager to help when people are struggling. I'm the polar opposite of her, and I wonder again why the hell she chose to spend so much time with me. I'm bad, a sinner, and trouble while she's good, a sain,t and paradise. 

I can only be grateful to be lucky enough to have her around me.

She definitely brings out the best of me. 

"No, I'm not telling you a hint. I have a fucking smart ass sitting next to me who would figure it out in less than a minute. Don't get me wrong, I love dating such a smart girl, but you're no fun when it comes to surprises. I'm not spilling a word." I chuckle, making her roll her eyes at me, but I notice the small smile tucking her lips. 

I grab her hand and intertwine our fingers as I turn left at an intersection, knowing where almost there. I can only hope she loves my surprise because it sure took me a lot of my damn time to plan all of this. I loved to plan this for her because I feel like she deserves so much more than I give her. Of course, she would argue with me about it because she's satisfied with anything I give her. 

I want her to feel special today. 

For once, I want this day to be about her instead of all of our drama. I know she's suspecting something about my secrets, and I think she's starting to get suspicious about it. I know I should tell her, but I can't hurt her in any way. 

For the first time in my life, I'll admit I'm scared she'll leave me when I tell her what kind of business I'm in. Next to the fact, my life is in danger, hers is too. I'm selfish enough to want to keep her around for a little more time as I try to fix everything. 

I need to do everything in my power to make my world to be clueless about Mia because they can't know a thing. My world is already suspecting things, and I need to do everything to make them not suspect a thing. 

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