Twelve, Kitchen fights with a narcissistic prick

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Very childish of you, Caine.

He leans against the refrigerator, a smirk still playing on his lips. He definitely finds this conversation entertaining, which is annoying me. It seems like he sees everything like it's some kind of game, and he is the only winner. I'm just a participant and a pawn in the game he plays. He thinks I'll play along as long as he wants. He thinks I'll play along until he dumps me like I'm a piece of trash. I suggest you think again, Caine.

I'll never be a pawn in his famous game of mending girls' hearts and breaking them the next minute like they're nothing but a piece of trash. Over my dead body that I'll ever be a participant in the awful game he plays. I'll resist until my last breath of fresh air has left my lungs and until my heart stops after my last heartbeat.

"How childish of you to use my words. You couldn't think of any other words to use? Or are those not in your dictionary?" I give him a fake smile and cross my arms while I raise my eyebrows, waiting for his response. He is still smirking while he shakes his head. He seems to find my words some kind of funny, and that's kind of annoying me too. It proves once again that he thinks everything is a joke.

"I use the words I want to use, Amelia. I do what I want, and I get what I want." He raises his eyebrows and looks at me triumphantly. He's such a selfish prick. I got to know a little bit of him now, and I completely hate him.

He's a selfish emotionless asshole, who doesn't know a thing about human emotions. He thinks he's the best person on earth, and his ego is as big as the planet Jupiter. He breaks every girls' heart like it's just a game to him. He's a pervert, and he takes advantage of his beauty and attractiveness.

He can't have it that he doesn't get what he wants with me. It's must be frustrating for him, but he has to realize that things won't always go the way he wants. I don't understand why nobody has learned him that lesson earlier. He'll learn the lesson eventually, like right now. I'm never giving into him and his stupid game. He may think so, but I never will. Mark my words when I say that.

He won't get what he wants this time. He can chase me for as long as he wants, but he won't succeed. He'll have to leave me alone eventually, and I bet he will do so when he realizes I'm not playing along with his famous mending-and-breaking-girls'-hearts game. I'll wait for the time to come when he'll leave me be.

I admit he looks like he's sculpted by God, and everyone thinks he's an angel, but his personality and actions are more of a lookalike of Satan. He's the devil himself with the beauty of an angel. A risky and dangerous combination if you ask me. A very dangerous combination.

"Well, I'm sorry to tell you, but you have to learn that not everything comes falling to your feet just like that, Caine. Your parents obviously didn't teach you that lesson." I snap while I narrow my eyes. I'm starting to feel angry with the way he acts toward me. I'm not letting him control me like that. I won't bow down to him.

I notice his anger is also starting to return. His eyes are turning some shades darker, and he clenches his jaw constantly. I can feel the boiling anger in my bones, and I know he can explode any minute. Yet, I don't care at all. I'm so done with him right now.

"You know that I don't take no for an answer. I told you that already, remember? Are you suffering from amnesia or something like that?" He smirks, and I can feel the anger rushing through my body. It's like a little flame burning inside of me, turning into a huge raging fire.

He did not just say that. He did not just make a joke about amnesia. There is absolutely nothing funny about amnesia, and I can know it. I suffered from it, and I still haven't regained all of my memories. Doesn't he know how frustrating that is? Trying to remember something so hard, but you just simply can't because it won't return.

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