Eleven, I don't even like parties

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"Do you think we should ring the bell?" Emily looks questioningly to the door, wondering about an answer to her question.

We're standing in front of a big, Mediterranean house. The sun is already setting, and it gives the house a bright golden glow. There is a big fountain in the middle of the driveway. The red and white roses, which are planted around the fountain, are in full bloom. The deep red color is exotic and utterly beautiful.

The house itself is even more beautiful. The big windows will probably allow a lot of sunlight to come in, and I wonder what it would be like, waking up in a bedroom with so much sunlight shining on your face. I suppose it would feel like waking up in heaven.

The house must have cost a lot. No wonder why Cameron and Jackson are the rich kids at our school. The house screams money and beauty. I'll bet their parents have worked their asses off to pay for this house, or they were born rich.

Loud music and the sounds of chattering people are coming from the house. The party is already in full swing, and I know there are a lot of people inside. The streets give it away immediately. The street is fully parked with cars and motorcycles, and there is not a free parking place to be found in the surrounding streets.

"Do you really think they would hear the bell ring? The sound of a ringing bell will not outvote the loud music." I raise my eyebrows at Emily, not believing she actually asked me such a stupid question. She shrugs her shoulders and tries to open the gigantic, brown wooden door.

The door opens immediately, and I guess it was supposed to be open. If I was the host of such a big party, I wouldn't open the door for every guest either. I would probably just leave the door unlocked, as Cameron and Jackson did.

I close the door behind me, and the smell of sweat and liquor reaches my nose. I make a disgusted face because of the bad odor. They really could use some air freshener around here. Gosh, what a bad smell.

"Well, you don't have to make such a disgusting face. It's kind of insulting and not polite." Cameron walks towards us, a smirk playing on his lips. I raise my eyebrows in disbelief.

"You honestly don't smell it? You really should use some air freshener around here." I say while I run my hand through my straight dark-brown hair. Cameron doesn't seem surprised by our entrance, which means that Hunter must have told him about inviting me and Emily

"I'm already used to the smell by now. The party started about two hours ago, and a lot of people have arrived in the meantime. Tomorrow, the scent will be gone for sure." Cameron says, shrugging his shoulders like it doesn't matter. Rich kid problems, obviously. I can't blame him.

"Come on, I'll give you guys a quick house tour." Cameron turns around and walks ahead of us. I look around while I follow him, still amazed by the beauty of the house.

The hall has a classic look, and different kinds of jackets are laying everywhere. The coat rack is so full that jackets are falling to the ground, making a pile of jackets. I watch my step carefully to prevent myself from stepping on top of the clothes.

Two boys and a girl walk past us, searching for the actual party. I'll bet they don't get a house tour. They have to find everything themselves. It will probably take half an hour to find a bathroom in this gigantic house if you don't know where to look for one.

"Okay, on your right is the kitchen. Just grab anything you want. There's food on the kitchen island, and drinks in the refrigerator. The liquor is on the kitchen counter, right next to the plastic cups." Cameron nods his head towards the right, and I look around the corner to the kitchen.

The kitchen is huge, and there is room for about fifty people. The kitchen counters are completely made of white marble, and the kitchen cabinets have the same white color. There are bowls filled with different sorts of chips standing on the kitchen island.

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