Three, Maybe I'm lucky

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- It's like rain on your wedding day, it's a free ride when you'-

I shut off my alarm on my phone, and I sigh deeply, knowing I have to get out of bed to get to school. I look at the ceiling, trying to gain the courage to get out of my bed and start the day. I don't want to get out of bed. I'm tired, and I know there will be a lot of staring at school today.

The incident from yesterday didn't exactly go unnoticed as many students saw me bumping into the most popular boy at school in the middle of a crowded hall. I don't believe there's going to be another drama to gossip about today, like Emily tried to reassure me off in the bathroom.

I get out of bed with a sigh. I open my bedroom door and walk to the bathroom, which is at the of the hall. I usually share the bathroom with my brothers, but now it's just my bathroom because my brothers aren't home. I suddenly remember that I have to call them, and I make a mental note to do so this afternoon. They asked me to tell them how my first day of school went before they left this summer. Not that anything special happened, except for the incident with Caine.

I put my hair in a bun and turn on the shower. I wait for the water to get the right temperature while I undress. I put my clothes in the dirty laundry basket and get into the shower. I can feel the hot water relaxing my muscles, making my head clear and empty. A shower helps me to clear my thoughts and think about things.

When I get out of the shower I wrap a towel around me and walk to my room to get dressed. I pick out some green pair of shorts, with a simple black shirt. I take a set of underwear out of the bottom drawer of my closet. I get dressed, and afterward, I walk back to the bathroom to clean up and do my hair.

I look in the mirror while I brush my hair, trying to remove tangles in my hair. When I'm done brushing my hair, I put my hair in a low bun. I look in the mirror, and the first thing I notice is the dark circles under my eyes, giving away that I didn't get much sleep last night. I got to bed late, trying to make myself as tired as possible to prevent any nightmares about the accident, but it didn't help.

My room is the first room on the left when you walk up the stairs. My room is big and messy. I'm terrible at keeping my room clean and organized. My double-size bed is on the right side of the room. The sheets are still messy, giving away that someone slept in the bed, which was me. On the wall above my bed, I pasted some posters. I bought them online this summer after I painted the walls of my bedroom light grey. I was tired of the white color of my walls. Behind my bed is a little sofa, which I use to throw all my decorative pillows on when I'm going to bed. The curtains before the two big windows are still closed, preventing the light from lighting my room.

My white desk is at the end of the room. A stack of books is lying on my desk, waiting for me to put them in my bookcase, where they officially belong. I haven't put them back in the bookcase because I simply have no space on the shelves anymore. The shelves are already filled with books, plants, and other unusable stuff. I leave the books on my desk until I have found another place for them.

On the left side is a huge mirror with a little table in front of it. On the table is a little music box and some jewelry, which I forgot to put back in my jewelry box.

I grab my bag from one of the hooks next to my mirror. I begin looking around, searching for my books and the other stuff I need for school. I curse myself for leaving everything lying around, and not putting them in the right place.

Once I have found all my stuff, I walk downstairs. I notice the time on the oven clock, and I know I'm going to be late if I don't start rushing. I take a bottle of water out of the refrigerator and put it in my bag.

"Hey honey, how did you sleep?" My mom looks shortly at me before she starts making coffee. My mom doesn't leave the house in the morning without making coffee first.

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