Twenty, He's a nice guy for once

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I'm starting to warm up again in the warm and cozy car, and I'm already feeling a little less cold than when I was outside, walking through the rain. My clothes are still soaked, and they won't dry very quickly, but at least I'm not feeling very cold any more. I'll be perfectly fine for now.

Caine's black Audi is absolutely a beautiful car. The black leather still looks very new, and the car is unexpectedly neat. When I was younger, I probably would have asked to drive a little in this car, just because I have never driven one before. Now, I don't even consider asking. I don't drive anymore, period.

"What's your destination? You want me to drop you off at your house?" Caine questions me, giving me a short gaze while he turns left. Initially, I planned to figure this out when I arrived at the station, where I could buy something to eat and drink to help me think. Now, there's a change of plans.

"You can drop me off at the subway, please. I was on my way to the station anyway." I say, shrugging my shoulders while I take a look outside the window. The rain hasn't stopped yet. It has only gotten worse and heavier, and I think there's a serious storm heading our way. Caine showed up at exactly the right time.

"Aren't all the metros canceled because of the bad weather, the upcoming storm tonight, and technical issues?" Caine says, thinking out loud instead of actually questioning me. I play with the sleeve of my blouse, not knowing if I should say something or not.

"Yeah, my metro is canceled. I got a notification while I was on my way, but I can figure out how to get home once I arrive at the station. I'm not forcing you to drive me home or anything. It was already nice enough of you to offer me a ride." I say, giving him a thankful smile.

Caine furrows his eyebrows deeply, giving me another questioning gaze. I have no clue what he's thinking about right now. I wonder if he's thinking about me, or about my comment. I'm sure he isn't reconsidering his actions. If he didn't want to pick me up, he wouldn't have offered me a ride. If he didn't want to give me a ride, he would have just let me walk there. I didn't know who the driver was anyway, so I wouldn't even have noticed.

Caine never does something unless he wants to. He doesn't give a damn about obligations, or what other people tell him to do. He does what he wants, whenever he wants, and there's no telling him otherwise. It may be selfish, but he doesn't waste his time pleasing everyone else. He just focuses on his goals and his dreams and doesn't give a fuck about everyone else. Maybe, I should be more like him sometimes. Sometimes, I just need to not give a fuck about everyone else and focus on myself and what's good for me.

"You honestly think I'm going to let you sleep in the station all night? Come on, I might be an emotionless asshole, but I wouldn't do that to you. Besides, I wouldn't have picked you up if I didn't want to give you a ride." Caine says after a couple of minutes, raising his eyebrows in disbelief.

We're still driving purposelessly, without any destination to go to. He just keeps turning right or left without really realizing where we're going. He's still waiting for my directions, and I wonder why he doesn't just pull over instead of driving around.

"Maybe, I don't know. You have exactly the type of image of a guy who would pull off such a stunt. I mean, you don't care anyway, right? It doesn't matter to you whether I sleep at home, or I stay at the station all night as you said." I say, shrugging my shoulders like it doesn't matter.

Caine frowns his eyebrows and gives me a look I can't place. He seems to be hurt by what I said, but the expression vanishes so quickly it makes me wonder if I saw it correctly. I can tell he has his walls built up, and he's hiding his true emotions. He seems numb from the outside, but I know it's different on the inside. I know he's not completely emotionless.

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