Forty-one, Is he taking me on a date?

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Amelia White

A couple of weeks have passed, and everything has been great, which makes me a little anxious because I feel like bad things are going to come in the near future. It feels like this is all too good to be true. I'm doing great at school, work has been wonderful, I spend a lot of time with my friends, and things are going exceptionally amazing with Caine.

As I said, it's all too good to be true so bad things should be on their way, right?

I think it's how life works. You have great periods of time in your life, but they're almost always followed by bad periods of time. It's like a continuous, never-ending circle. A circle of what we call life. Now, it doesn't always work like that, but the chance is so small things keep being great. It's kind of pessimistic to think this way, but I've always experienced it as true.

I was doing perfectly before the accident. I had a lot of friends, I went to a lot of parties with people who went to different schools, I was extremely happy and outgoing, and drove my motorcycle or car whenever I felt like it.

After the accident, it just all stopped. My friends left me because they thought I was being dramatic about everything, and the fact I didn't remember anything before the accident wasn't exactly helping either. I didn't want to go to parties anymore because I was anxious something like what I had experienced would happen again. I didn't drive my motorcycle or car anymore because of the memories and flashbacks, and my happiness started to fade with time because I was dealing with forgetting all of this and not processing it.

I guess I'm just anxious for a relapse of bad things.

I've been spending the day in my room to clean it properly and get rid of things I don't want to have in my possession anymore. There's a big box standing in the middle of my room in which I can put things I no longer want to have. The box is going to charity. 

It's kind of our tradition to clean the whole house before thanksgiving. We normally start a week before Thanksgiving so we'll be done the day before Thanksgiving, but I kind of postponed cleaning my room, which is why I'm doing it now. I'm trying to get it done before tonight because I made plans to hang out with Caine. 

I don't know what we are doing, but he told me to be ready at six because he's picking me up tonight. He told me to wear something nice which made me somewhat confused because I think he's taking me on a date. Going on a date with him is making me nervous, anxious, and exciting at the same time. 

I picked out a simple black dress with puffed sleeves. The dress hugs my waist perfectly, and the material is utterly soft. It's one of the most comfortable dresses I've ever worn in my entire life, and I'm still glad I bought the dress. 

I match my outfit with a pair of totally black Vans, which might not look as good with the outfit as heels, but I don't feel like wearing heels tonight. Besides the fact I'm even more clumsy with heels on than sneakers, heels are also pretty uncomfortable if you ask me so I only wear them for very special occasions, like a wedding. 

I'm not wearing my dress yet because I don't want it to get dirty. I'm going to be clumsy again while I clean my room so I'm wearing a pair of black sports leggings and a light grey sweater. 

"Amelia, there are two boys here who are dying to hug you." My mom's voice yells enthusiastically from downstairs, making me get out of my thoughts. I quickly get up from my made bed and run downstairs to see my two brothers standing in the hallway.

"You're finally home. Gosh, I've missed you guys a lot. Except for having my own bathroom because that was actually quite nice." I say, hugging Oliver first before hugging James. I take a quick look at them and smile.

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