Fifty-one, Kisses in front of a huge crowd

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"Don't you guys need to get changed? The match starts in half an hour, and I suppose the coach might want to go through your strategy a couple more times. This is the last match before Christmas break, and I heard it's going to be a really important match, which determines your chance of becoming the champion of the season." I mention, giving the five boys in front of me a curious look. 

We're standing in front of the door of the boys changing rooms. Some muffled sounds are coming from behind the door, indicating some boys have already started changing for the match. The upcoming football match will be the last one before Christmas break, and the coach made it pretty clear that this would be an important match. 

At least, that's what Caine told me. 

"Yeah, it does. The coach made us practice for this match the whole week because he's so determined on winning. I don't think he wants to lose our reputation. We've been the champion of the season for years." Jackson explains, shrugging his shoulders like he doesn't care at all what happens. 

"It would be good for me though. If we are the champion of the season this year, I might have a chance of getting a scholarship. I might be able to make this my job." Hunter says, smiling as he mentions it. 

I figured a while ago Hunter is the one who loves football the most. From the five boys, he's the one who's always eager to play football, and he practices a lot. If he doesn't practice during football practice, he practices at home. I've seen all of them play, and I admit Hunter has a lot of potential. The other boys also have a lot of potential, but they're not as eager to play as Hunter, and they also don't want to make it their profession. 

"That would be awesome. I know you've always wanted to play for a university. I'm sure you'll get selected to play. You're really good." I compliment him, smiling at him. He shoots me a thankful smile in return. 

"Alright, let's get changed before we have a mad coach up our asses. We'll see you after the game right? There's a party at a friend's house, and I said we're all coming to celebrate. It's kind of a party to celebrate the upcoming Christmas break." Ryan said, making me sigh deeply because I don't feel like partying tonight. 

I'll go anyway because it's rude not to come when you agreed to attend something. 

"Yeah, sure. Couldn't you have mentioned this party earlier? I have to mentally prepare for the big ass crowds and the smell of liquor mixed with sweat." I say, shaking my head out of disbelief. Ryan smiles devilishly, and I can tell he didn't mention it on purpose. He gives me a short wink before he opens the door and disappears.

"It'll be fine. You can always tell me when you want to go, and we're leaving, alright? You're sleeping at my house tonight anyway." Caine whispers in my ear before he hands me his jersey and disappears. I wonder how I'm going to put on his jersey when it's pretty cold outside. I'm always cold during winter so I'm wearing a black long sleeve with a dark green hoodie and a pair of black leggings. I suppose I could just put on the jersey over my hoodie and long sleeve. 

"Why don't we go get some food? There's this place around the corner where they have exceptionally good wraps. I saw you could even get one with salmon or tuna." Emily says, grabbing my arm once I've finished putting on Caine's jersey. It's pretty big on me, but my hoodie beneath it makes it smaller. 

I nod in agreement, and we exit the school property. The place around the corner looks like a cheap place to get food, but I trust Emily's opinion. The place looks like crap, to be honest. The paint is falling off the building, and the curtains behind the window changed of color because of old age. 

Emily opened the door and walked inside, not bothered by the look of the outside of the building. I wonder how she had found this place in the first place as I follow her. The inside looked pretty old too, but the smell of fresh fish and fried chicken was good. I suppose if the smell of food is great here, the food won't be rotten or extremely bad. 

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