Recovering! Sephiroth x Ex-SOLIDER! Reader (Pt 8.)

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Sephiroth's P.O.V.

  I stare up at the night sky entranced by the stars. I can see it at home too, but there's something different about seeing it here. Laying on my back out in the open. Head resting on my duffle bag. The only sounds even my enhanced hearing can catch are the gentle wind, crickets, the crackling of our campfire, Vincent's heartbeat and breathing, and chirping.....

  Chirping? Very close, muffled chirping.

  Sitting up I look at my bag over my shoulder. Raising a brow at it as it shifts and eventually pops open. Causing me to lock eyes with a pair of big black eyes. The little one chirps at me happily. Raising her wings in joy and kwehing at me. All I can do is blink in my surprise. How did I not notice her sneak into my bag?

  "It appears someone decided to invite herself to the party." Vincent quietly jokes with an amused tone. Humming I turn around and sit cross-legged. Reaching over I easily pick her up and plop her into my lap. She happily squeaks flapping her tiny wings wildly. Nuzzling into me with little restraint. Which usually isn't so bad, except she's hurting me. Putting a hand on her crown I have the baby Chocobo look up at me. Tapping her beak I feel it's completely hardened.

  "She grew quite a bit, we haven't even been gone that long." Vincent notes and I nod. She's almost too big for my lap now. It makes me feel oddly sad. Sighing I pet her and find myself relaxing as I run my fingers through her feathers. There's always been something soothing about this. I hadn't realized how much I had already missed her. Looking up at Vincent I shoot him a questioning look. He catches it and gives a small smile and a nod.

  "I don't see a problem with it." That puts a smile on my face. Relaxing I snuggle into my Chocobo. Laying back down with her on my stomach. Eventually closing my eyes and sighing. Falling asleep more comfortable than I have been in a while.


  Footsteps echo through the darkness the only other sound is dripping water. I can't even see in this darkness. My enhanced sight seems to have been negated. Without knowing why my body moves forward. Crouching and snaking through the darkness. Barely seeing a bleak sea-green glow start to emit from further away and illuminate the surroundings. While the sound of running water starts to ring my ears and growing louder. My approach slowly revealing I'm in some dark cave system. Reaching a large rock I slowly peak towards the source. Finding a cavern full of mako crystals akin to the ones in the meteor site, and there's a small group of people standing at the bottom.

  They're dark and the lighting is hiding most of them in shadows. There's one in a coat strutting around ranting to the rest. I can't hear them from here. Slowly my vision starts to static. My head starts pulsing and the static gets worse. What is going on?

  I try to recoil only to feel a sharp pain. Joined by my air being cut off.

  "Sticking your nose where it doesn't belong pet?" That voice, it's distorted but I know that voice. I'm yanked back and the last thing I see before my vision fails to the static is a swinging sea-green crystal.


  "Sephiroth!" Gasping my eyes shoot open and I jolt into a sit. Before I know it Vincent's arms are around me. Holding me as I violently shudder, my head is pulsing.

  "Sephiroth." Vincent calls again and a small kweh follows after. The baby lifts her head and gently nudges my chin. Shaking I take a deep breath trying to hold on to the dream. Something was so wrong with it.

  "Nightmare," I mumble trying to piece together what I saw. I've been weakened before, but I've never been that vulnerable. It managed to completely shake me. "In a cave, it was completely dark until I reached the end. There was a green light and shadowed figures. I got caught and it cut out." Reaching up I rub the heel of my palm into my eye. While I feel slightly better having shared the nightmare. My head is still pulsing, my ears are humming, and I suddenly feel heavy and exhausted. What just happened to me?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2021 ⏰

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