Recovering! Sephiroth x EX-SOLIDER! Reader (Pt. 6)

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Reader's P.O.V.

"I'm gonna miss daily showers." I sigh as if I were never gonna be in this shower again. Finishing up my washing I turn off the blissfully warm water. Going through the routine of drying off and getting dressed. This time in my old, washed and repaired, SOLIDER uniform.

"Glad I always have you when I need to make a mess of myself." I chuckle as I look at my reflection. It's strange seeing myself in my uniform after awhile. Though it seems much more plesant with my necklace over it. Smiling I leave the bathroom and head to go check on Sephiroth.

He's absolutely giddy based mine and Gywn's behavior. That egg is gonna hatch if not today. Likely tommorow, but its going to be one of the two. I've raised enough chocobos to have a sixth sense for this.

Getting to the shed I find Seph sat inside it. Watching the noticably quivering egg. My apperance gets his attention. He looks up at me wide eyed. His excitement evident in the sparkling of his eyes.

"Feeling better?" He questions and I nod my head.

"Yup, a nice shower can always brighten my day." I tell him and he nods satisfied.

"You know watched pots don't boil right Seph?" I tease him and he stares at me. Giving that slight pout that's become his staple. I need to get him his own hat. That pout would be even cuter with a hat and his rancher outfit. Which he is currently wearing over his silk shirts and dress pants. Not that I blame him. That's not exactly traveling attire.

"I don't want to miss it." He says it in that same deadpan tone. Yet I can hear the whine under it. Spending time with him has let me learn these little tells. It's almost cute how child-like the formerly terrifying man can sound. I open my mouth to say something about being patient, but movement from my egg catches my eye.

"Then turn around." He startles and turns just as the air fills with a crack. We watch as cracks spread out across the shell. I can't wait to see what this hatchling is going to look like.

Through the center of the web some of the shell breaks out. Revealing a tiny pale beak. I hear Sephiroth quietly gasp. That puts a small smile on my face. We watch as the egg completely cracks. Letting the deep grey baby Chocobo tumble out. Stepping through the door I slip in beside Sephiroth. Kneeling down and picking up the hatchling.

I pluck a soft rag off a hook. I carefully pat down the baby getting the slime from the egg off it.

"Are it's eyes supposed to be closed?" Sephiroth questions and gently touches the baby. It's about the size of the average house cat. It chirps in my lap and I hum.

"Yeah. It will open it's eyes in a bit." I inform him and let the baby rest on my lap. Chirping fills the air along with soft kwehs. Gywn pokes her head inside and leans in between us. She's looking down at the baby too. Leaning down and gently nudging the chick.

I look up at Sephiroth and see his face is of total awe. He's clearly already completely enamored with the Chocobo chick. It reminds me of when I first got Gywn actually. Cute.


"You have to be careful, but I promise she's not made of glass. That rubbery skin is actually quite tough." I explain to Sephiroth as I bathe Gywn. While Sephiroth has the chocochick in his lap bathing her. When I first woke up this morning I checked the gender while Sephiroth was still asleep. When I told Sephiroth she was a healthly baby girl he was estatic.

"I don't want to hurt her." Sephiroth mumbles as he's overly gentle with the Chocobo chick. I sigh and let him be as careful with her as he wants. While I finish cleaning Gywn. Filling the trough with food for her to fill her belly to her heart's content. I turn around and find Sephiroth has finished bathing the chocochick. He's feeding her via the bottle I gave him before telling him how to wash the chocochick. She happily drinks from the bottle and makes little kwehs.

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