Lightning Farron x Gender Neutral! Reader

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Reader's P.O.V.
(First time I'm doing a one shot where the gender is up to you.)

    I walked along the early morning shore of New Bodum; I don't have anything planned in particular, or any real reason for pacing on the shore when the sun has barely risen. My feet were slightly chilled due to the still cold sea water. Otherwise its a pleasant experience; None of the other inhabitants of the village were out yet. Resulting in a powerful silence only broken by the constant sound of waves crashing into each other and the shore. Exhaling into the late summer air I can barely see my breath, but its there despite.
    "It's going to be turning autumn soon, its already getting colder." I mutter to myself and recognize the signature chill go over me in a gentle breeze. I looked behind me at the sound of boots against sand.
    "Your going to get sick being out here in the cold, and only wearing those." The elder farron sister walked over in a relaxed and content strut. Her eyes were only half open and her pink hair wasn't brushed over  her shoulder like usual. The only indication that she didn't just get out of bed was, unlike me, she had changed into 'day' cloths. Although it wasn't her usual outfit either. It was normal casual cloths rather then her armor, "Yeah well if I get sick I can count on you took get me back in tip top shape, commander."
     She snorts to disregard my comment, but the small curve at the end of her lips is telling another story.
     "I haven't been your commander in a long time Y/n." I smile at her comment; Even if what she says is true it doesn't change that I've always respected her, and have always trusted her decisions even if they put my life at risk. Though I'd never state it out loud, I know I don't need too, my actions have always spoken louder then my words. I choose to sit down on the sand my feet the only part of me within the sea's reach. Lightning follows sitting beside me as we enjoy the melodious silence. The sleeping village would wake soon, but until then us two war veterans can relax. The rare treat of comfort and ability to release all tension. Closing my eyes I enjoy the chill and the comfortable silence; Until I feel pressure on my shoulder and open my eyes to identify the weight. Lightning had her head lying on my shoulder, eyes closed, she looked peaceful. Serene even and it was quite a rare sight and I couldn't help, but reval in the moment knowing it could very well be a long time before I see even a glimpse of it again.
     "Y/n, Snow plans on taking N.O.R.A, Serah, and I inland to take down some monsters who've been causing trouble. Would you mind coming along?" I smile at her when she opens her eyes to observe my reaction.
      "Just tell me where to shoot commander." She truly smiles at the remark and I follow suite borderline grinning even. The things I would sacrifice for her, the things I have sacrificed, to have her trust and see her smile is worth it. She closes her eyes again and fully leans on me and I do the same placing my cheek against her forehead. Enjoying the warmth she radiated, and the feelings she creates inside of my chest. 'I love you,' Its never said out loud but inside we both know it. Finally silencing all thought I relax only living in the moment of peace with her.

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