(Remake) Cadet! Cloud Strife x Son of Andrea! Reader

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Author's note (s)
1. I keep thinking of this as something funny. In the remake cloud can dance and knows how to walk in heels. I need an origin story for these abilites; So since I can't find one, I'll make one.
2. This is Very Long
3. Y/f/n = Your Fake Name
4. Sorry for the false publish i hit the button on accident

Cloud Strife's P.O.V.

  Beep. Beep. Beep. My eyes open and I sigh as I struggle to my feet. My Phs woke me up on time thankfully. Ever since moving to Midgar my early morning clock has been thrown off. I hiss as I roll my shoulders and mess with my neck. Having to crack my joints and stretch all my sore muscles. The position I fell asleep in was not a comfortable one. Not that me falling asleep in my bunk would have been too comfortable either, but it would have been better then curling up and sleeping against the wall in a random hall way.

  I can't help it now though since the other cadets locked me out. They're probably laughing their asses off. Sighing I pull out my Phs and send a good morning to Zack. Before heading to the Upper Officer for my orders of the day. Silently praying to Odin that I don't run into my bunk mates. Just let me have an easy day, please.

Reader's P.O.V.

  "Are you getting ready for the dance tonight Y/n?" May sits beside beside me at the vanity. Already dressed up in her honey bee uniform. Her blonde hair thrown over her shoulder in massive curls. I shake my head and smile at her reflection.
  "No, I'm getting ready to work for Beckham right now. But I am getting my makeup ready for tonight." I explain and put on the pale red lipstick on. Rubbing my lips together. Popping them before moving to put my gloss over it.
  "You really like working at the bar huh." She giggles as I tap my bottom lip putting slight sparkles on my lip. I smile at my reflection as I use a baby wipe on my hand. Moving I get to my eyeshadow and eyeliner.

  "Yea I do. It's really enjoyable." I say as I wing my eyeliner with a flick.
  "Is it because of a certain customer?" She teases and I jump feeling the blush starts up. Refusing to look at the girl. I hear her giggles as I wrap up my f/c eye shadow. Throwing on a light layer of blush over my cheeks. Before getting up I move to the closet. Pulling out my outfit for the day. Putting on my black long sleeved button up shirt. Putting over the wine red sleeveless vest over it. Adjusting my collar and my cuffs. Before putting my dark blue leggings and throwing on my matching black dress shoes.

  "The Turks are wonderful customers May. All of them are shockingly sweet, and whenever someone else gets rowdy I can count on them to help me out. I rarely feel more secure in Wall Market." I explain to her as I mess with my h/c locks. Sighing in frustration as I fail to make it stay.  I hear the woman's heels hit the floor. Before I know it I feel her hand on my shoulder.

  "Sounds wonderful to me." She says as I feel a fine tooth brush go through my hair.
  "Its just," She starts as I sigh, "Y/n Andi wants you to have some 'less dangerous' friends." May explains lightly as I feel her put my hair in a high ponytail.

  "Says the literal crime Lord." I say in a joking manner. Sending the other woman into a fit of wistful laughter. Turning around I put a hand under her chin. Turning her head I press a light peck to her cheek.

  "Tell Papa I'll try and find at least one only somewhat dangerous friend." I tease and she gives me a smile. Dropping my hand as she nods.

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