Kuja x Reader

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Reader's P.O.V.

      I skip around absently in a circle by my lonesome because everyone else is either already dancing with a partner, Zidane and Garnet, or they just don't wanna dance.
     I hum my own tune preferring it to the actual song that's playing. "Let's light it up, Let's light it up until our hearts catch fire."
     Humming pieces and singing others, "We're burning it up, we might as well be lovers on the sun!"
     The song I was playing for myself was much more upbeat to the one playing. It's not very popular because most people don't understand the appeal of artificial noise produced by a single machine.
     Vivi would've danced with me, but his wife had come and made a surprise visit. Of course he danced with his wife, but it actually took some persuasion on both our parts for Vivi to go dance without feeling bad. He has such a sweet and gentle heart.
     Despite it all I still can't help, but feel lonely dancing alone when every other dancer has a partner. Especially, since I'm not even dancing with them instead of the large wooden platform where everyone else is. I'm dancing in a secluded balcony with little else including noise. Except eventually even my upbeat little tune couldn't keep the loneliness at bay. Sighning I look at the starry sky somberly. My mind going to someone it shouldn't, 'Maybe Kuja would have danced with me.'
    I feel burning in the back of my eyes at the thought; guilt suddenly pouncing on my poor soul. Caught completely off guard I collapse onto my knees. I only wish we did more to save him.
   If only we had done more. Sniffing I put my arm over my eyes trying to keep the tears from falling. Making my limb a physical dam to reinforce the mental one that threatens to collapse under the pressure. My thoughts have brown off their tight leash and stampede to various topics, but most shared a single theme.
'He could have been saved, if we had, if I had been there. If I had tried harder.'
    Sniffing again I get so consumed by various thoughts and a screaming conscious. All other noise gets silenced mental and physical. It's like I've been put underwater, and I'm being held down by someone or something. I feel something under me too, pulling my further into the black depths. It pulls me further and further, I'm losing conscious. Suddenly I'm snagged violently out of my underwater prison. Looking I see someone did so physically, Zidane.
     The world is still foggy around me, blurred and distorted, except Zidane who placed himself firmly in the center of my vision.
     "Y/n, Y/n hey. Y/n look at me." I nod softly showing him that he has my attention.
      "Y/n what was that?" I don't understand. Titling my head I hope to convey that as my tounge feels numb, my mouth dry.
      "Y/n. Look where you are." I finally collect my mind enough to obey. Looking I see I'm no longer collapsed in the center of the balcony. Instead my back is directly pressed against the railing.  Slowly it pieces together and I feel, numb. Unaffected by the chance I had entered such a unstable state; my body had moved itself to a ledge hanging over hundreds of feet from the ground. Looking to Zidane I can't fathom how to express my current feelings, or rather my apparent lack of them.
      I try to form the words on my tounge except something else entirely came out, "I miss him."
      The words shock the both of us, except in my case it really doesn't, I can't feel any regret in admitting this. I can't feel anything except a strong agonizing ache in my chest. Tears threatening to spill from my eyes once again. Rather then lashing out like some of the others might have, Zidane just nods with a sigh. We end up sitting on our asses Zidane just quietly watching over me. Ensuring that the event from before doesn't happen again, and soothingly stroking my hair in an attempt to comfort me. Closing my eyes I just cry as my mind wanders until finally a familiar blackness takes me off. Forming a path that I walk down until I reach the end. Now I'm sat on a bed of various sized pillows and vibrant colors. I just sit there content until I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. Pulling me back onto the comfortable nest of fluff. A bare chest under me is warm and firm making me far more comfortable then any of the pillows could. Smiling content and happy I close my eyes.
     "Goodnight, my princess." The proper tone and confident rumble relaxes my entire being as I fall into a deeper sleep.
     "Goodnight, my angel."

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